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Tim's P.O.V: "Does your mom know about this?" I asked wiping away her tears. "Yeah. I told her yesterday. Dad, I don't know what to do. He still is spreading rumors." "It's going to be ok. Your mom and I will take care of it." I said looking down at Maggie. "But dad there's a video of the fight and the band is threatening to show the school! I will be expelled because of it." She cried. "It's gonna be ok. You just need to get back on the right track and make sure Camilia is okay." "Ok dad." "Since we already stopped working, I might as well tell you what mom and I decided. We decided to have you spend a weekend with Gracie, so you can learn that acting this way won't work." "Ok." Maggie whispered. "Does mom hate me?" She asked looking down. "Honey your mom could never hate you. She might be angry and disappointed in your actions, but she could never hate you." I said hugging her. "Come on let's go get some ice cream." I said getting up and taking her hand. "But I'm grounded." "It will be our little secret, mom doesn't need to know." After I got Maggie to agree with my plan we headed to the Baskin Robbins close to the house. I knew Faith would be back at the house in about two hours, so after we got the ice cream we headed back to the house, so Faith wouldn't know we left. "Dad I'm sorry about all this, you and mom shouldn't have had to deal with this." Maggie said looking down. "It's ok.I'm just happy you learned your lesson from this, but you need to talk to your mother because you were pushing limits yesterday." "Ok. I will when she gets home. I'm going to go up to my room." "Ok. I'll tell you when your mom gets home." I yelled up to her.
Maggie's P.O.V: I still haven't told my parents that, that night I called Connor out was at a party where I had been drinking. I just can't because my dad especially would be so disappointed in me. I guess I'm just going to have to suck it up and go spend a weekend with Gracie. I got my laptop out and saw Coleman emailed me back. While I was reading it, my dad yelled up to me saying my mom was home. I slowly walked down the stairs. Just then my mom walked through the door. "Mom. Can we talk?" I said standing at the bottom of the stairs. "Yeah. Let's go to my office." She said walking towards her office in the back of the house. Once we got into her office, my mom shut the door. "Sit down." My mom said leaning against her desk. "I'm sorry about all this, but mostly yesterday of how I acted." I said looking at my hands. "Maggie look at me. You need to know that you can't just say anything whenever you want. You will get yourself into trouble." "I know." "Then you have to promise me that you will not do this again." "Yes mam." "Ok. Let's go see what your dad's doing." My mom so walking over and hugging me. We walk into the kitchen where my dad was on the phone. "Yeah. We'll talk about it tonight and I'll let you know." "Ok. Bye." My dad said putting down the phone. "Who was that?" My mom asked. "Well, since Maggie's here too I guess I can say. That was John Christopher the headmaster at the Taft school." "Wait what was he calling about?!" I asked getting excited because I applied there. "You got in. He said you could start next semester or now." My dad said being happy for once. "I want to start now so I can be there for the whole year." "Ok, well you still have to go spend the weekend with Gracie before you leave." My mom said turning towards me. "Ok. Can we do it soon, so I can get to Taft sooner?" "Yeah I'll do it next weekend then you can go in next month." My dad said hugging me. "I'm so happy, I'll be able to go to a school with the best marine biology program so I can get into Auburn!" "I still don't get why you want to go to Auburn." My dad said laughing. "It's the best school for my major. Well I'm going to go upstairs to finish my English project." "Ok. Call you down when dinner is ready." My mom yelled.

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