New Beginnings

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(Next Day)
Maggie's P.O.V: Our tour to Saint Andrews was good. They have a nice campus and everyone is super welcoming. They also have amazing teachers that understand everything. We decided to get lunch and then head over to Jackson Academy. Everyone is on fall break, but the teachers have workdays. "Welcome to JA. I'm Mrs.Waters, the secretary here at JA. This is Drew and this is Carly. They'll give you two tours of the middle and high schools and I'll talk to you two about our school." The lady said to Audrey and me then to our aunt and uncle. Carly and Audrey went one way as Drew and I walked towards a different hallway. He's super tall and pretty attractive. "I'm Drew. All the guys here just call me Waters, since I'm the quarterback. Your Maggie right?" Drew asked looking back at me. "Yeah, how are you know that?" "Well, you're Tim McGraw and Faith Hills daughter, everyone knows you." Drew laughed. He has a really warm smile. "What made you want to tour JA?" "It reminds me of my old school in Tennessee." I said quietly. "Ensworth right?" Drew asked. "Yeah. You do really know everything." I laughed. "I try I guess." Drew grinned.
Audrey's P.O.V: "This place is really nice." I said as we walked through the halls. "I've been going here since kindergarten and I still get amazed. It's nice that you have everything at your hands." Carly smiled. "Where else are you touring?" "We toured Saint Andrews this morning, and Jackson Prep and MRA tomorrow." "Well my opinion this place is the best out of all." Carly laughed. "I'm starting to think that too." I smiled.
Maggie's P.O.V: "Cheerleader, uh I didn't know or expect that." Drew said raising an eyebrow. "I've been doing it since freshman year." I laughed at his facial expression. "Enough about me, now it's your turn. Is Mrs.Waters your mom?" I said looking at him. "Yeah that's my mom, my parents are donors of the school. Athletic building is named after them. They both went here." Drew said laughing. "Small-town life I guess. It's crazy." I whispered. "It's definitely different than Nashville." Drew added. "Yeah." I whispered. "You said you're the quarterback?" I asked biting my lip. "Yeah. Three-time state champion and Mississippi player of the year." Drew grinned. "Cocky much?" I laughed. "Coming from Miss perfect GPA?" "Ok, we're even. Where do you want to go to school next year?" "I have a full ride to LSU so probably there, what about you?" Drew smiled. "Auburn, but that could change." I grinned. "For real Auburn? You're crazy." Drew laughed. "I could say you are too." I laughed as we headed back to the main office. "He's cute." Audrey whispered nudging me. "I know." I grinned. "Well I hope I'll see you two in the halls come next week." Mrs.Waters smiled. "Bye Maggie." Drew grinned. "Bye Drew." I smiled looking down. "Maggie don't get close to him, he's not a good kid." My uncle said as we got into the car. "How do you know that?!" I asked irritated. My uncle looked back at me and glared. "I have friends that work at JA. He's no good." My uncle sternly said. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "I want to go to JA." I said with my eyes closed. "You haven't..." "Ok. You can go there." Our aunt cut our uncle off. "Audrey do you still want to tour Jackson Prep and MRA, or?" Our uncle sighed. "I still want to tour them, to see." Audrey said trying to cheer up the mood. "Ok. We'll still go tomorrow." I got Drews number before we left. I saw I had a text from him that said "Giving you a tour made my day. I hope to see you on Monday. :)" "I'll see you Monday Waters." I typed quickly hiding my smile. Audrey looked over at me and shook her head. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. There's just something about Drew and his personality. "Maggie can you stay down here for a second. I need to tell you a few things." Our aunt said as we walked into the house. "Yeah?" "Tomorrow when we're with Audrey, a doctor is going to check everything and make sure everything is good, the FBI will be here too, they want to ask you a few questions. It's going to be at Gmaw and Gpaw's house, so you're not alone." My aunt whispered so only I could heard. "Ok." I whispered. I guess I'm going to tell everyone everything now. I wasn't planning on telling everyone, but apparently I got to.

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