New Life?

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Maggie's P.O.V: "What do you remember about that night?" I looked over at the clock and it was already 2:30 PM. "Everything." I whispered. "Can you tell me about that night?" Officer Jones asked calmly. "My sister wanted to go to this frat party and I didn't feel like arguing so I agreed but made her promise not to leave me. After we went to dinner, we headed over there. I had realized I hadn't called my parents like I said I would. I decided to call them later. I reminded a Gracie not to leave me when we got there. She promised not to. We were in this really big room with a lot of drunk college kids. I looked down at my phone for a minute and when I looked back up Gracie was gone. These guys who were wasted started to come at me. I tried to fight the guy off, but two of them grabbed my arms. I ended up being locked in office with the guy. He... He raped me, I fought, but he was stronger. It was getting hard to breathe when I saw my mom. I guess they had come down. Anyways she broke into the room and try to get to me, but the guy pulled out a gun. I close my eyes trying to a erase everything when I open my eyes I just heard a loud ringing and my mom fall to the floor, then everything went black." I said finally looking up from my hands. The three other officers were now in the room. The officers were whispering to each other. Dr. Collin walked over to me. "Maggie, you're fine. Everything is good." He smiled sadly. "Oh my God." I said crying tears of joy. "I'll text your aunt everything and I'll see you soon." He said packing up. "Okay." I whispered. I'm not pregnant. "Maggie you know we now have to file this as an aggravated sexual assault case." Officer Jones said looking at me. "Yeah." I whisper not wanting it to be. It's now 3:40 PM my uncle, aunt, and Audrey should be here soon. I don't want to answer any more questions. "We can pull up the Belmont database and search for the guys." One of the officers yawned. "Maggie are you okay?" My Gmaw asked looking over at me. "I guess." I said fighting back my tears. The officers were going through the Belmont database forever, it felt like. It's now 4:20 PM, my aunt, uncle, and Audrey should be here. I just want to crawl into bed. "Maggie?" Officer Jones said loudly. I shot out of my thoughts. I looked over to him. "His name is Zane." I blurted. "What?" "The guy that killed my mom and raped me, his name is Zane. One of the other guys was John." Said blankly. I was hoping this would end it. "Maggie can you come here and look to see if you can recognize any of these people." Officer Jones said calmly. I hopped off the counter and walked over to him. "Do you recognize him?" He asked scrolling through the list. "That's him." I said pointing to a tan brown haired guy. "OK that settles that. Now let's see if we can figure out John." It was 4:30 PM, where are they. We were searching for John, but I can't remember him that much. It was 20 minutes later and I'm losing all my energy. I heard the door open and my aunt, uncle, and Audrey walk in. I sighed being happy they were back finally. "Maggie I think we got enough for today, we have Zane which is the important part." Officer Jones said standing up. "We will be in contact throughout." He said as they left. It was now pushing 5 PM. "Ready to head home?" My uncle asked. "Yes." I sighed. "Wait son, your mother and I would like to talk to her for a minute." My Gpaw said standing up. "We'll be out in the car." My uncle said as they walked out.

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