Family right?

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Maggie's P.O.V: I heard a knock on the door. I looked over at the clock and realize it had already been two hours. "Yeah." I yelled. My dad slowly came in. "Want to explain to me why you thought it was a good idea to drink." My dad asked, more like demanding I did. "It was the weekend I found out about Connor, and I was stressed with school and mom and I had fought earlier that day, so I just decided it would clear my head." I whispered. "Maggie I swear if I ever find out that you drink again under age I will probably be in jail for what I do!" My dad yelled. "Yes sir. I'm sorry." I said finally looking up. "It's going to take a lot more than sorry, for your mom and I to trust you again." "I know, but it's a start I guess." "And I swear if you start treating your mother badly ever again, it will not fly to well for you." "Yes sir." I said playing with my hands. "Ok. Let's go have dinner." My dad said hugging me. Dinner was actually pretty normal, except my mom didn't talk to me at all. "Mom?" I said quietly while my mom and dad were cleaning up."What Maggie?" My mom sighed. "Can we please talk?" I whispered. "Fine." My mom said putting down the towels. "Maggie I need to talk to your mom for a minute before y'all talk, ok?" My dad said turning around. "Ok." I said walking into the living room.
Tim's P.O.V: "Faith, you need to calm down." "Wait! Tim are you really on her side about this?!" Faith yelled. "No. I just don't think you need to scream at her again. She has already cried her eyes out for two hours straight today because of you." I sighed. "Tim, she deserved it. Every minute of getting it." Faith growled. "Faith! You told her that you're disappointed in her and that it wasn't the first time! Plus, you made her feel like she isn't worth it in this family. She is for God sure one of the greatest things in this family!" I yelled being done. I really can't believe Faith said these things to Maggie.
Maggie's P.O.V: I heard my dad yelling at my mom about what she said to me. Great, now she's going to think I told him to. My mom came walking in just then. "Mom..." "Maggie stop. I'm sorry I went off on you, you didn't deserve it." "Mom I should have not done anything I have been. You had a right to snap." I said finally looking at her. "Do you want to explain why you decided to drink?" My mom question sitting down. "Um.. It was the night I called out Connor so I was just with that and school. It also was the day we had the fight over me going to that party." I said whispering the last part because I wasn't supposed to go out that night. "So you decided to lie to me and then sneak out that night. What the hell have you been thinking lately Maggie Elizabeth!?" My mom yelled. "I don't know. I was just done and over with everything in my life." I whispered. I was on the verge of tears, but tried to hide it from my mom because she was start questioning me. "I swear Maggie even when you're stressed you do not dare to drink. You literally can talk to anyone instead of drinking!" "I couldn't talk to you because you were pissed at me. I couldn't talk to dad because he wasn't here. Audrey is too young to understand anything I was going for through. Gracie would be no help because she drinks and smokes herself. So what did you want me to do!" I yelled crying.

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