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Maggie's P.O.V: My dad slowly turned towards me. "What's up?" "Um I need to tell you something." I said tearing up. "Hey what's wrong?" "Dad I can't." "Maggie calm down. Tell me what's wrong." Dad said rubbing my back. "Dad I watched everything happen. I watched mom died and it's all because she was trying to protect me, and it wouldn't have been that way if Gracie didn't leave me..." I sat there in disbelief. I didn't think I would tell him. "Dad I was raped and Mom watched it." I stopped crying as hard as I can. "Honey, why didn't you tell anyone what happened?" "I want to forget about it. Audrey and aunt Alicia know. I told them, dad I'm scared. I'm scared something is going to happen if I tell anyone else. They're going to make me get checked out by a doctor." "Honey it's going to be ok, but you do need to be checked out by a doctor, to make sure nothings wrong." "But dad I'm scared. What if something is wrong?" I said looking up. "Then we will be there for you through every step. Please just get checked out for me honey." My dad said looking me in the eyes. "Ok." I whispered. "Ok. You probably should get going. I love you honey. Be good and please enjoy yourself Maggie Elizabeth." My dad said pulling me into his arms. "Ok. I love you. Bye." "Bye." My dad said as I walked down to the car. I climbed into the backseat and plugged in my headphones. I fell asleep about an hour later. I woke up about two hours later when we were in Suwanee. We were stopping in Memphis for the night because it was already 7 PM. The drive to Star from Belle Meade is around eight hours. We got to Memphis around 9:30 PM. "Girls we're going to head out tomorrow around 9 AM, ok?" My uncle said as we climbed into bed. "Ok. Goodnight." Audrey and I said at the same time. "Night girls." Our uncle said turning off the light and shutting the door to go to his and our aunts room. "Night Mags." Audrey whispered. "Night Aud." I whispered falling asleep a minute later.
(Next Day)
Maggie's P.O.V: The car ride was around 5 to 6 hours to get to Star. I read and listen to music most of the time. I just wanted to get down there and torque the schools Audrey and I are interested in. We're touring Jackson Academy and Saint Andrews tomorrow and then Jackson Prep and Madison Ridgeland Academy on Friday. My mom's memorial service is on Saturday at McLaurin. I'm supposed to speak at it, but I don't know if I can, but I'm going to try. News reporters and a bunch of my mom's high school classmates are going to be there, plus our family and close friends. We finally got to Star around 2 PM. We went to my moms parents house first thing. "Hey mom, dad we're here." Our uncle said as we walked into the house.

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