We all have to move on. (Second to last chapter)

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Audrey's P.O.V: I watch the TV as CMT talks to Maggie. All of us already went back to my Gmaw and Gpaw's house. "I did this for my mom and sister." I hear Maggie say to Cody. "Are you okay Audrey?" My uncle Steve asks from behind me. "Yeah." I softly say. I knew Maggie never wanted to do this for herself. She wanted to keep it to herself. "Audrey?" I turn around and my uncle Wesley and Steve are standing in the room. "Yeah?" "Come sit down. We need to talk to you." My uncle Wesley says patting the couch. I look at the TV one last time as Maggie gets up to leave. I sit down on the couch. "How are you actually doing?" My uncle Steve asks pushing my hair behind my ear. "Okay. Better than Maggie, but she's been through more than I have." I softly say. "You can still feel pain and sadness." "I do. I am just trying to stay strong because I know Maggie is trying to, but she's not in that's okay." "Okay. What was going on with Maggie before that night?" My uncle Steve softly asks. "She wasn't here. Her and her mom fight every single day. She was a complete jerk to her mom. Maggie got suspended from school for fighting and a lot of things blew up from there. They finally got better a week before that night." I whisper. "That's all I know." The front door opens and EJ and Maggie slowly come in. I get up and run to her. "I love you." "I love you too Aud." I hear her whisper.

Maggie's P.O.V: I unwrap my arms and look over to my uncles and grandparents. "Are you okay?" My uncle Steve asks softly. I slightly nod my head fighting back tears. I can't tell them the truth of how I'm actually feeling. "Dinners gonna be ready soon, so y'all can relax until then." My Gmaw says to Audrey and me. We both nod. Audrey goes and sits down on the couch looking at the TV. "I'm going to go for a walk." I softly say. "Okay." Everyone says looking at me. I grab my headphones and slowly walk outside. I put my headphones in and turn up my mom. I start to walk north. I'm going as far as my body will let me. I silently keep walking till I find a pond. I walk over and sit down. I honestly don't know how far I've walked. I grab a rock and skip it into a pond. "I guess you found the hidden gem?" I hear the voice that has been in my mind all day laugh. He comes over and sits down besides me. "You were really brave today for saying all of that." "It's the truth." I sigh. "How you know about this place?" I ask after a minute. "I live right up the street. I come down here to fish all the time." He smiles throwing a rock into the pond. "Oh." I whisper. "Well, I gotta get back to my house. See you around McGraw." He grins getting up. "Bye Waters." I smile. I look down to the grass. Maybe I actually need to not hold a grudge anymore. I look up at the sky and listen to my mom. "I didn't know you could walk this far." I hear someone say. I look over and it's my uncle Steve. I sit up and take out my headphones. I shrug. "You're by the hospital in Jackson." He laughs. "What's on your mind?" He asks after I don't say anything. "Why was I a freaking jerk to my mom. She didn't deserve that. I don't even know why I did that to her. Like she could've just given up on me, but she didn't, why didn't she just give up?! None of this would have happened if she did." I cry. "Hey, your mom loved you. She would never give up on you no matter what. You understand that?" My uncle Steve says pulling me into his arms. "I wish she did. Everything would be better off." "Don't say that. Maggie that is not true. Your mom would do anything for you. You can't change that and you can't change that night, so stop getting down on yourself." My uncle sternly says. "Come on. Everyone is looking for you. Dinners been ready awhile." He says helping me up. "I'm not that hungry." I whisper. "You haven't eaten all day. You need to eat." My uncle sighs. I roll my eyes and get into the car. "Hey. Don't be rude. You need to eat for your own health. I'm not going to let you starve yourself. I know you're upset and confused, but you need to take care of yourself." My uncle says. "I wouldn't be if my mom had just given up on me." I say under my breath. "Maggie! Don't say that again. You know that would have never happened. You need to stop thinking that!" My uncle sternly snaps. I jam my headphones in and listen to my mom. I look out the window and take a deep breath. The car stops. I look over to my uncle. "What's wrong? Maggie I know you aren't okay, so don't say that. What is making you think like this?" "I don't understand why this happened. I want my mom back. Like what was Gods point behind this?!" I break down. "I don't know honey, but he knows what he's doing. I know it doesn't make sense right now, but it will. Trust me, it is going to get better." "What if it doesn't?" I ask wiping my tears. "You have to believe it will. It might seem like it won't, but it will. You have everyone here for you." My uncle says softly. "Uncle Steve?" I whisper. "Yeah?" "How long is it going to take me to feel comfortable around boys again?" I barely whisper. "Honey it's going to take some time. You went through a lot. Your body is still healing and progressing what happened. Do you just need to be patient and take things slow." My uncle says getting back on the road. I look out the window and watch the countryside go by.

Tim's P.O.V: I grab a beer out of the fridge and sit down on the couch. I turn on the TV to CMT because they are replying old Faith concerts. I grab my phone and text Chelsea. I clean up a bit before I hear the doorbell ring. "Hey." I smirk opening the door. "Hey cowboy." She grins walking in. "Wanna go out to dinner tonight?" "Are you sure you want to?" "Yeah." I say grabbing my jacket. "Okay." She smiles. I open the door and we walk out to my truck. We get in and I drive to a hole in the wall in downtown. There's paparazzi everywhere. "Shit." I mumble. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Chelsea asks looking at me. "Yeah. Let's go." I say getting out and leading her through the crowd. "Tim did you lose custody of the girls?!" "Tim already over Faith?!" "Did the drinking cause girls to be taken away?!" I grab Chelsea's hand and quickly get inside the restaurant. "I'm sorry." I sigh. "It's okay. They have nothing to do but harass you." "Yeah." I sigh.

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