New encounter

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Today had an alright start it was nice walking to the subway today. The birds were chirping, flowers were blooming, and there was a refreshing breeze. To be honest I wanted to just sit at the park and relax. But I don't really like skipping and I'd rather not have my dad yell at me again.

When I got on the subway of course I has to stand but today there was this girl standing diagonal from me. She seemed nice and she looked pretty but I don't think she'd actually want to talk to me. I guess I was staring for too long and she looked up and caught me. I honestly didn't notice right a away but when I did it was too late. She gave me a glare then went back to looking out the window. I quickly looked down and didn't attempt to look back up till I got to me stop.

When I arrived at the stop I saw that she got off too, "maybe she goes to my school" I thought to myself. I finally got off the packed subway and when I stepped out someone accidentally stepped on the back of my shoe and I tripped and face planted. Feeling embarrassed I didn't really want to get up so I continued to lay there until someone tapped on my shoulder. I looked up to see her. I stared at her hand for a good minute trying to figure out what she was doing.

"Hey do you want my help or not?" She questioned me but it sounded like an irritated tone.

*I grabbed her hand and  I got up*

"Uh thanks" I said with a small smile.

But before she got another word out I panicked because I realized I forgot my binder on the subway..
"Umm are you okay?" She questioned

"Not really, I forgot my binder on the subway" I responded with a worried tone.

"Ohh well that's okay the teachers will understand right? You can get it on your trip back" She tried reassuring me.

"Yea I'm going to have to." I said

"My names Delilah, what's yours? She asked.

"Cyrus. I'm quite new here actually. But it's nice to meet you Delilah" I stated.

"You going to the school down the road right?" I asked "maybe you'd like to join me?"

"Yea sure why not." She said

We left the subway station and started heading towards the school.

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