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Well the next week went on like usual, I talked to Delilah and tried to get my work done on time but I'm not to worried at the moment.
"Hey Cyrus what are you doing?" Someone shouted at me.

"Going to get food." I replied.

"I don't think so." Said the voice and a bunch of other students that were slightly bigger then me surrounded me.

"So who do you think you are talking to my girlfriend all the time?" Said the main one.

*everyone that surrounded me shouted* "yea"

"What are you talking about?" I tried replying.

"Holy Shit dude you have no idea what I'm talking about do you?"

"Uh no why?" I stated.

"You know what fuck it." He said right before lunging at me.

He picked me up and started telling me to leave Delilah alone and other stuff like I shouldn't be here and that I'm just some gay faggot who should just die. I wasn't really paying attention because I didn't really care what he had to say.
All I was trying to do was go get some food and looking at the clock it looks like I don't have enough time to get it.

"Hey guys should I throw him in a locker, put him in a trash can, straight up beat his ass?" He tried getting their attention but we're too busy laughing at me.
"Oh well I guess I'll just beat the shit out of yo-" he tried threatening me but someone must have seen us because the principal and a police officer were right behind him.

*clearing his throat* "what's going on here?" Yelled the principal.

"Uh nothing sir I was showing my friends how strong I was, see?" *drops me*

"Right so all that stuff about beating his ass was all about how strong you were, right?" The principal asked.

"Well no but-" he was cut off.

"How about you take a trip to my office and your 5 friends can join you, including you Cyrus." The principal demanded.

"Well so much for getting lunch" *stomach growls*

Cyrus's TaleWhere stories live. Discover now