New Problems

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Tuesday after school-
"So Cyrus tell me about your self" Delilah stated like if I had another option.

"Well if you want. I'm 16 years old, I really like video games, From what I hear from others I'm good at drawing, I'm an only child, and I just moved here from Wyoming a  week ago."

"Hmm interesting why'd you move here?" She asked.

"Well my mom wasn't doing so good with money and my dad took the chance to swoop me up and take custody. Which in my opinion wasn't really the best idea." I replied feeling a little sad.

"Oh, what do you not like your dad? Or...?" She Tried prying at me more. I didn't really mind.

"In a word no. I mean he is cool and all but I think the only reason he got custody was to make my mom mad.." I answered.

"Oh I see." She said feeling a little bad for asking.

"Tell me about yourself, if you want." I tried asking her.

"Maybe tomorrow." She replied.

"Why tomorrow?" I asked.

"Because it's my stop." Laughing.

"Oh shit when did we get on the subway???" Looking around while panicking.

"You were talking so thought you realized all of this you even payed for your ticket and everything." She explained.

"Shit..." I muttered.

"Is everything okay?" She asked seeming worried. "Can't you just ride the subway back a few stops?"

"I mean I could but I'd be late and I'd have to buy another ticket." I told her.

"Well just be careful alright? I got to go home now... Buh-bye." She said while waving.

"Great now I'm going to get in trouble now for being late..." I murmured to myself.

After I paid for my ticket and rode the subway once again I got to my stop. As soon as I got up the stairs I ran as fast as I could to my house. To bad life's out to get me because I tripped busting my watch on the concrete.

"Oh great..." I said to myself.

I finally got the apartment building, half dead because I'm out of breath and dehydrated.
I beeped the button and the door unlocked. I was a little scared to see what my dad cooked up this time.. Take my games? Take my phone? I don't know.. I continued to walk up the stairs but getting even more nervous as I got closer.
I knocked on the door and waited. I heard the door unlock and I walked in. To see a police officer, my dad, and my step mom sitting in the living room waiting.

"Oh welcome home son." My dad said in somewhat "normal" tone.

To be continued.

Cyrus's TaleOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant