Alone in the dark

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"Oh hey dad.. Uhh what's up?" I asked nervously.

"Well since you didn't come home on time and you didn't answer your phone, we decided to call this officer to see if he could find and return you." My dad explained.

"Oh.." I responded.

I checked my phone which had been off all day to see the screen cracked and 4 missed calls..

"I'm sorry my phones been off all day and I wasn't trying to be late. I missed my stop on the subway and I had to catch a different one back." I said trying to tell him. "I honestly wasn't trying to be late I swear.. I was just side tracked and forgot to get off..."

"I don't really care you have a phone you should of called back and told us then." He said with a irritated tone.

"Well he is here I should get going, it was nice talking to you again Travis." The police officer said. *police officer leaves*

"You know what this means right?" My dad asked.

"Um I'm not sure actually. You want my games? My phone? My tv?" I replied.

*punches in me in the nose*

"Yea I'll take those too. Except you'll need your phone because your not going to ignore my calls again." my dad told me.

"My nose is bleeding now thanks" I said.

"Oh your lucky I could of punched harder." He stated.

"Why'd you even take custody over me? To be an ass? To make mom mad? I don't get it.." I asked holding back the tears.

"I took custody over you to turn you into a real man. So you can be successful at life." He answered.

"By punching ME in the nose??" That doesn't sound like a man to me.." A said with a serious tone.

"Just go to your room.. I don't feel with dealing with your shit right now.." He said.

"Alright." I replied walking to my room..

A couple hours later.
"Hey Cyrus? You awake?" My step mom asked.

"Yea I'm up, I'm just drawing." I answered.

"Well I made some hamburger helper and I saved you a bowl." My step mom said handing me the bowl.

"Thanks ma" I said smiling.

"You know your dad wasn't trying to be all mean. He kinda feels bad for punching you in the nose.." She tried covering up for him.

"He knows you're not the happiest here but he thinks it's best for you." She tried Telling me.

"Yea I know.. I wasn't trying to be late but he didn't listen. I tried telling her.

"What made you miss your stop anyways?" She questioned.
"I just wasn't paying attention." I said quickly.

"It was a girl huh? What's her name?" She asked smiling.

"Whoa uhh what are you talking about? Heh heh heh *sigh* her name is Delilah." I told her.

"Aww that's a cute name. Well I'll leave you to your drawings, You were always good at that." She said while leaving.

"Goodnight ma." I said.. "I don't think she heard me..."

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