girl time and boy time-chapter nine

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I woke up this moring feeling really tired I did not want to go  back to bed  soo I wanted to call Callie to see if  she wanted to hangout or do some thing soo I grab my phone and went down stair so I would not bother Liam sleeping.

"hello " said Callie

"hey do you want to go to the mall to day " I said

"yeah I would love to go to the mall with you " said Callie

"okay I just woke up soo I gonna get In the shower then  I be getting ready I pick you up" I said

"okay bye" said Callie

I hung up the call and  went back up stair and sat on the bed

"hey Liam" I said quietly

"hey baby " he said with his moring voice

"I goning to the Mall with Callie to day soo you can hang out with your friends okay Babe" I said

"yeah I was gonna hangout with them any way Harry texted me  while you were down stairs "said Liam

"okay I be getting on the shower" I said

"okay" said Liam

I got up and went to  get a bra and panties and then a towel and went to the shower I turn the water on to  warm and got un dress  the step in the shower I shampoo my hair then rinsed it off and then wash my body and rinsed it off.

I got out of the shower and turn the water off dryed off and put my bra and panties on  then went to  pick clothes out .

I got my long sleave dress it low in the front and long it the back then I  put some nice boots with it  the added off white scarf then I dry my hair and curl it  then added my beanie to it.

I added lips gloss and check my clock and it was 11:30 I went down stair and Liam was eating cereal I was not that hungry.

I grab my keys and gave Liam a kiss and went out the door to my car I unlock  my car door got in and turn the car on and back up and drove to Callie house.

after I got their I  goto ut of my car and went to knock on the door and she open it

"hey Kayla" said Caliie hugging me

"hey" I said hugging back

"let me grab my purse and I be ready "  said Callie with a smile

"okay" I said coming in

me and Callie were best friend when we were little we did every thing together  she was like my sister I never had which I had a sister but she with my dad I never get to see her.

"okay I ready " said Callie

"okay let go then" I said with a smile

we got out of Callie house and she lock it we walk to my car and I unlock the door  and we got in and I  turn it on  and drove to the Mall.

*Liam p.o.v*

i was already up and wait for Harry to come pick me up from my house after a few minutes later he here

i open the door and Harry was here

"you ready" said Harry

"yeah" i said

we walk to his car and drove to the lads house which i have not hangout with them forever it feels like but i miss them so much since Kayla got pregnant i needed a lot of boy time and i did not want to stress her out a lot .

wen t we got to the boy house we walk in and boy greeted me and  i miss  them beacuase idid not get to hangout with them a lot since i met Kayla.

"how Kayla doing Liam" said Niall

"well she like more stress out since she been pregnant "  i said

" you let her do what she wanted  to do today" said Louis

"yeah  she hangout with her best friend Callie beacuase she needed girl time" i said

"well that good" said Zayn

"our girl friend are coming over" said Louis

"okay " i said

i wish Kayla as here right now soo i could see her beautiful eyes and hold her  hand  but i let her hangout with Callie i  was wondering  what they were doing probly looking at baby stuff from the room  or shopping for clothes but  i needed boy time i see her a lot  now because i live with her.

after the boys girl friends came we all hangout and watch  a movie i need Kayla badly  the boys LIve right by her Best friends house which was cool.

"how are you doing Liam"  said Perrie

"good  i guess" i said

"we heard you girl friend pregnant" said Perrie

"yeah she four months already" i said  with a smile

"do you know it a boy or a girl" Perrie said again

" we want it to be a surpise" i said

"well that great when do we get to meet her" said Perrie

"soon i guess she hangout with  her Best friend Callie" i said

"cool" said Perrie

*8 hours later*

it was 8;00 i neede to get home Kayla probly ate with Kayla

"well guys i better get going home  it kinda getting late" i said

"well i take you home" said Niall

"okay " i said

we walk out of their house went ot NIall car and got in and turn it on and drove to my house after we go  their i got out said good bye to Niall and walking and Kayla was not home yet soo i went up stair on my pjs on and  went back down and watch tv.

*kayla p.O.V*

it was already 8:00 i  needed to get home and see if Liam is home

"Callie are you ready" i said

"yeah i tired from shopping" said Callie

"okay let go then" i said

"okay" said Callie

we walk out  of the Mall and went to my car and got in and turn in on and drove to Callie house which Liam friends Live their.

Callie got out of the Car and i said good bye to her and i saw Niall Dancing with  out side

"hes a freak" i said to my self

i back up and went home and  got out of my car and went in i saw Liam watching tv.

''hey baby how was hanging out with your friends" i said

"good but i miss you a lot"  said Liam

" i missed you too i going to go get my pjs on" i said

"okay"  said Liam

i went up stairs and got my pjs on which was a tank top and some comfort shorts then went back down  stair and sat  down by Liam and he started rubbing my belly.

Ten minutes later i fell asleep and Liam pick me up bridal style to our rooma nd put me down and he went to  bed and snuggles with me  while he kept rubbing my belly which the baby was kicking kinda hard but i fell asleep after it stop kicking kinda.


hey guys sorry if i have not been updating it been busy a lot  soo i update  his story






Famous love (liam payne fan fiction) *FINSHED*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora