the proposal/ work time- chapter 16

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I woke up this morning it was 8:00 I got up got in the shower and dry and put my bra and panties on and my woke out fit and I put my hair up in a pony tail  walk out of the bath room.

"Liam I leaving now" I said

"okay I love you" said Liam kissing me on the lips

" love you bye" I said kissing Liam back

I walk out of the our bed room and went  down stair grab my keys  and went out the down and walk to my car  and unlock it got in and turn it on and drove to my work.

after I got there I got out went to work it was going to be a horrible day at least  got to see my best friend Callie who work there.

"Kayla Back yay" said Callie

"yeah I  am " I said hugging Callie

"how's Lacey "said Callie

"she doing fine Liam watching her today and you know what hes meeting his friend and  their girl friends here soo you can see her after we can take a break" I said with a smile

"okay yay" said Callie

*an hour later*

it been an hour I think Liam was about to be here.

it was busy today and I see Liam walking in  with Lacey and with his friends

"hey there your boyfriend" said Callie

"sh his friend can not know about this" I said

"why can they not know Kayla" yelled Callie

"shut up Callie we are working" I said

after Harry came over.

"may I take your order" I said

"yeah I need seven coffee wait Kayla is that you" said Harry

"yeah it is and seven coffee" I said

"you work here Kayla" said Harry

"yeah I do with my best friend Callie over there" I said and Callie waved

Callie brought the coffee to Harry and he walk back over there and they talk about some thing

"Liam you girl friend over there" said Harry

"yeah she work here " said Liam sleepily

"you okay  Liam" said Louis

"no I not I took care of Lacey almost all night long  it stop about 5:00 this morning" said Liam

"wow so what are you gonna do about  the proposal " said NIall

"I gonna do that tonight" Liam said yawning

"soo y'all can come and eat at our house if you want" said Liam again

"okay we will all be there " said Zayn

"okay great" said Liam with a smile

"what time dose she get off from work" said Harry

"12:00" said Liam

"we will still be here then" said Louis

*at 11:30*

I think I might LIke Harry" said Calie

"omg y'all would be a great couple" I said with a smile

"lol no we won't" said Callie

"okay what ever Callie you  just  jealous " I said with a smile

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