walk through London- chapter 15

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I woke up today and I wanted to walk through London with Liam and Lacey today soo I got up got in the shower and I put some Skinny jeans and a Long sleave  Blue shirt and I put on my brown boots and did my hair and make up and went to Lacey room and Liam was already their.

"hey  you having fun there" I said to Liam

"whoa you scared me there Kayla and yeah I  I having fun spending time with my daughter " said Liam with a smile

"well that good babe I glad you are and I be down stairs and be waiting and get her stroller ready okay " I said

"okay  I be there in a minute okay"  said Liam

I went down stair to get her stroller ready and  wait for Liam to get done  dressing her.

Liam Missed her a lot since he was on tour for a whole month with out seeing her all the time and I glad that  Liam helping me with Lacey . He's a really good daddy for Lacey and I am happy.

I wait for a minute and  they came walk down the stair and Liam put her in  her stroller and we went out the door and close it be hide us and we walk from  our house to  walk around London .

"last time we walk around London you were pregnant" said Liam holding my hand

"yeah now  we have Lacey  now so it not you me any more it 's the three of us" I said

"I know i happy about that . when i go to inter view they ask how you are doing a lot now" said Liam

"wow that cool " I said

we walk to a bench and we sat  there  for a while just talking about how we are a good couple and that we get along with each other.

"I glad I met you like 10 months ago Kayla" said Liam

"yeah me too Liam you r the one for me" I said

"yeah that why I love you  Kayla" said Liam

"I Love you too Liam" I said giving him a kiss

we got up and walk around London we saw Niall and Harry talking with some girls

"hey their harry and Niall" I said

"I know NIALL!!" said Liam yelling

"Hey Liam" said Niall walking with Harry

"hey Kayla" said Harry

"hey guys" I said

"is this Lacey right here" said Niall

"yeah that Lacey" I said

"he look like Liam" said Harry

"I know and thank you Harry" I said

"soo what are you doing walk around London" said Harry

"yeah we are  we  did not want to say at the house all day and do nothing" said Liam

" I guess we leave you too love bird alone soo ya'll can walk around" aid Niall

"okay Nice seeing y'all " said Liam

after we talk to Harry and Niall we walk around London for a while we saw a lot of Liam fans that came up to us too see Lacey and  take pictures with Liam.

I did not really care that his fans do that I happy that his fans love him and I love him too.

we walk back home  it took about a minute to get there it was fun walking with Liam and Lacey. I glad he's home I missed him while he was on tour.

we got to the our house we walking it was so clod out side I was freezing clod I turn the heat up to make me warm I walk to the couch and Liam grab lacey and play with and made her laugh and smile  which was funny too see her reaction of  Liam funny faces which was cute.

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