the pregnancy is going well and the What Happen-chapter 21

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I woke up in bed and Liam was asleep right beside me and I look at him and rub his head alittle bit and we smile and  soft snore come out  which made me smile and I did not wan tot get up and make break fast so I just try to wake Liam up.

"Liam " I  said softly

"yeah " said Liam with his sexy morning voice

"I am craving some blueberries  pancakes Liam " I said  rubbing is head

"okay I will go make some for you honey and do you want to feed Lacey or do you want to " said Liam

"I will do that here I feel like I if I gonna get up I feel like I gonna be throwing up" I said

"okay I let you stay in bed then to day and me and Lacey will go to the park I  make sure their is no  fans around to be by me or Lacey and you need some alone time  and I ask if Lads would come to  okay" said Liam with a smile

"okay but be careful it okay if some of your friend go  I fine with that but just no fans around her she may cry  no go get my daughter and my pancakes baby" I said

"okay I will go get your daughter and you pancakes and their some one at the door" said Liam

"okay " I said

 Liam walk to Lacey room and then to the kitchen and open the door and it was Niall and  the Lads

"hey guys " said Liam

"hey " they all said

"how  are y'all doing " said Liam

"great hows y'all marriage " said Louis

"great we found out that Kayla pregnant again soo it pretty excited" said Liam

"that great and Perrie Pregnant too so she not the only one" said Zayn with a laugh

"so what are y'all hoping for  a girl or a boy" said Harry

"we were trying for a boy" said Liam

"Liam hurry up with Lacey "  I Yelled

"her  pregnancy is kicking in bad now she  more  impantient" said said Liam

"you better go give her Lacey be fore she  get ups" said Niall

"yeah  I better just wait on minute" said Liam

"hey wait Liam I take  lacey to Kayla I need to  talk to her about Callie" said Harry

"are you sure " said Liam

"yeah  I am sure" said Harry grabbing lacey and walking up stairs

"hey Kayla" said Harry

:hey Harry how you and Callie going" I said Grabbing Lacey

"yeah I came to talk too you about that" said Harry

"is she bossing you around and yelling at you" I said

"yeah she a really rude now to me since  I been dating her" said Harry with a sad look

"Harry she like that  have I y'all had a fight any " I said

"yeah she would let me hold her Daughter" said Harry

"I need help Kayla" said Harry again

"well if y'all fight again just leave her  if some thing happen call me okay harry" I said

"okay I have to go back down now  thanks for the talking" I  said Harry

"you welcome take Lacey back down  she finished her break fast" I said giving Lacey to him

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