it comming soon-chapter 30

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*9 months later*

I am already Nine months pregnant and the twins are coming quicker that I through .

so I got up and got out of bed it was harder to day  to get up the baby were kicking hard and I walk down stair to see Liam there Making Breakfast and Lacey and Josh were there eating while Liam was Making mine.

"hey honey" I said  kissing Liam on the lips

"I almost done with you break fast" said Liam

" good I am starving " I told him going to sit my Josh at the Table

"mommy  you r belly I s bigger" said Josh

"mommy belly has gotten bigger because mommy abou to have you sister in a couple of days guys " I told them

"really mommy " Lacey yelled alittle bit

"Lacey in side voice  and yes sweetie" I said kissing  both if them

"here you go babe " said Liam

"thank you baby" I told him

as we ate breakfast my belly started to turn really bad and Liam mom was coming over  today to vist us.
























*at Night*

Liam mom was still here I was rubbing my belly more than an hour ago  the baby kept hurting  really bad .

"honey are you okay" said Liam

"Liam I think it time" I told him

"I watch the kids and you to go I be there in a minute okay" said Liam mom

"okay mom c'mon Kayla let get going to  the hospital" said Liam helping me up and walking to the car

as I got in I was hurting really more

"Liam hury up " I kind a yelled at him

" i am trying " said Liam grabbing my hand as i squeezed it hard

" oh my gosh " i yelled as i squeezed his hand again

"your squeezing my hand and it gonna be okay" Liam said driving off to the hospital













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