Chapter Three

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Clouds were beginning to darken the sky as the group sat around, unsure of what their next move would be. They wouldn't drink the water placed out in the open for them, whether everyone agreed with the reasoning or not. Mabel thought it was worth a shot but others, such as Glenn and Rick, weren't to keene on risking a life to find out.
The protein bars seemed to hold out, enough for everyone and then some, as few decided to share. Mabel had held one out to Maggie, who only looked up at her with an empty gaze. Glenn took the bar instead and smiled his thanks, and as Mabel turned to walk away he followed her. "I'm sorry for Maggie. She just lost her sister, and you look"-he stopped himself quickly, sighing before he shook his head-"You look like you'd be the same age as her. Don't take it to heart, okay?"
Mabel nodded and gave him a smile. Glenn seemed like a genuinely nice and caring guy. "Are you guys dating?" she asked curiously, and he looked over at the girl sitting on the side of the road in silence. "She's my wife." Mabel grinned at this, happy that love still existed in this world. Glenn watched as she walked away, before he moved back to Maggie, and as he neared she looked up. "I feel like such a bitch right now." she commented with a sigh.
He knelt down in front of her, running a hand through her hair in an attempt to relax her. "You kinda were." he joked, but when she glared up at him he gulped, becoming serious once more. "But it's understandable, Mags. You've been through a lot." he stated as he pulled her into an embrace, "And it probably doesn't help to see your sister every time you look at Mabel." Maggie shook her head, knowing he was right. Mabel was so similar, and she didn't even realize it.
Mabel stepped closer to Carl, who looked up from what he was doing to flash her a smile. "What's up?" She shrugged with a sigh, "I feel like everyone hates me, and I don't understand why." Carl frowned at her, seeing the inner struggle she was facing. He wanted to explain it to her, but at the same time he didn't feel like it was his place to do so. "It'll get better, Mabel. I promise." he assured her with a comforting smile. Mabel forced a smile, still unsure, but choosing to believe him.
Daryl slid to the ground, pressing his back against a tree as he retrieved his cigarettes from one of the vest pocket, pulling one out with his teeth. He lit it and inhaled its toxic poison, breathing the smoke out through his nose. He rested his head back, closing his eyes as he took in the silence. Nothing felt right anymore...not without her. Plucking the cigarette from his lips he looked down to his hand, and without hesitation he pressed the burning ashes into his skin. He didn't feel anything, he was numb to it.
Something about this Mabel girl made Daryl question life, question his own sanity. The way she looked at him, her eyes filled with curiosity for the mysterious younger Dixon. And Daryl didn't like the way it made him feel. He wasn't ready to open up to anyone again, look where that got him; broken and lost...back to the way things used to be.

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