Chapter Six

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  The groans from walkers interrupted Mabel's dream, and her eyes shot open as she noticed Daryl was no longer at her side. "Mabel, a lil help would be appreciated." Daryl hissed towards her waking form, and Mabel immediately shuffled to her feet and hurried to the entrance, arms out in front of her as she used all her strength to hold the doors closed.
  That's when Maggie joined in, Sasha soon after, the both of them already making the problem less severe. One by one, the others came to their aid, and with everyones' strength combined, they managed to keep the barn's doors secure. Mabel looked to Daryl's arm when she caught him wince, and found a large-but minor-cut. "'re hurt," she panted out in a worried tone, and Daryl scoffed shrugging it off. "Ain't the worst cut I've ever had."
  Mabel frowned at that, but shook it off as the groans from outside grew louder. The group stayed that way throughout the night as the storm raged on around them, and eventually things settled down....lucky for them. Mabel backed away from the doors, panting as a bead of sweat drenched her brow. Things were stable once again, and a few collapsed from exhaustion as others went to sit down.
  She looked to Daryl who hesitantly met her gaze, his light blue eyes piercing through her own deep, brown orbs. She stepped closer and sighed when he gave her a look. "Let me take care of that? It could possibly get infected." Mabel asked, pointing to the cut just below his elbow. He looked at it, and then back at her. He hated the idea of her taking care of him, knowing he could do it himself, but something in her eyes made it hard to refuse. With a deep sigh, Daryl held his arm out to her.
  She smiled at him before examining the cut, "Luckily, it looks like it only needs a good bandaging." Mabel studied out loud, and Daryl watched her with a curious gaze, but averted his eyes the moment she looked up. She went to her bag, digging through it with pursed lips until she found what she was hunting for. "This is all I have." she mumbled lightly as she walked back over, and she then began to wrap his arm slowly, the warmth coming off his skin causing goosebumps.
  Once finished, Mabel met his eyes once again, and the two stared at each other silently before she coughed awkwardly. She could feel the blush rising on her cheeks, and quickly looked down. Daryl pulled his arm back slowly, clearing his throat. "T- thanks," he stammered softly, feeling flustered because of the girl standing in front of him.
  Mabel gave him a soft smile and a quick nod of her head, before distracting herself with something on the opposite side of the barn. Daryl watched as she walked away, a lump in the back of his throat. Avoiding her was going to be harder than he'd first thought.

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