Chapter Four

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Mabel laid on the road, lost in her own world while twirling a strand of light blonde hair between her fingers. Her thoughts kept circling back towards the group, and how most of them seemed still unsure about her being there. She couldn't deny the curiosity lacing her thoughts, but she kept herself from pressing the issue in fear of upsetting them. Whatever it was, it wasn't easy for them to adjust, and that alone told her it was serious.
Thunder could be heard rumbling through the sky off in the distance, a promise of rain on the horizon. But when it would fall was the question on everyone's mind. Carl held Judith close to him, using his hat to give her some form of shade from the heat. His eyes kept wondering over to where Mabel rested, and a blush crept up his neck when she caught him staring.
Something about her made him anxious, whether it be the whole Beth aspect or something else, but whenever he tried to get to know her Carl found himself at a loss for words. She was too old for him, or at least he thought, so the odds of her ever being interested in him romantically were slim. But that was okay, for a best friend was hard to find these days, and he was determined to accomplish that much.
Another crack of thunder rumbled through the air as a light sprinkle of rain slowly started to seep from the clouds, and cheers of relief could be heard amongst the group. Everyones' heads tilted back, allowing the rain to hit their faces. Mabel let out a laugh, both Carl and Glenn turning to watch as she opened her mouth to collect water droplets, and they too laughed happily as they did the same, Carl shielding an unamused Judith.
A twig snapped, and everyone's joyous laughter came to a halt as they watched the edge of the woods cautiously. Daryl appeared from behind some foliage, giving them a look as he held up a couple squirrels. "I surrender," he mocked in an amused tone as Carol stepped out from behind him, and
Rick chuckled lightheartedly as lightning flashed across the sky abruptly.
  We jumped at the thunder which soon followed, and Daryl stepped forward. "There's a barn not t'far from here. Looks pretty sturdy." Everyone eyed Rick for their next move and he nodded looking back at the group. "Let's hurry and get out of this rain." he called out, and they immediately started to gather up their supplies as the rain began to pour, no longer a light dusting. The group hurried into the trees, following Daryl's lead as he brought them to a small clearing, and sure enough a barn stood a few feet ahead. "Let's get inside," Rick's voice called out to the rest, and soon everyone was closing in on the barn's entrance, prepared for anything.

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