Chapter Eight

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  "Mabel, right? I'm Deanna." Mabel turned to the voice, finding an older woman smiling over at her. Deanna was short, with shoulder length light brown hair, and eyes that held genuine kindness. Aaron had been right the whole time, and after a near fatal run in with walkers in their attempt to get there, Rick knew the group had to check it out; the thought of safety for both Carl and Judith overpowering his untrusting nature. They had arrived at the gates of Alexandria mid afternoon, and were soon welcomed and brought in.
  Mabel nodded her head, and Deanna held her hand out to an empty. "Please, sit. I mean you no harm. Do you mind if I record our conversation?" she asked politely as she moved to sit on the couch. Mabel shook her head 'no' and hesitantly sat down, watching Deanna carefully as she did so. "I heard from the others that you haven't been with them for long?" Deanna asked, and Mabel nodded slowly. "Only a few days." she stated softy, and the woman nodded. "What were you, before all of this?"
  Mabel furrowed her brow, not understanding how it mattered, but answered nonetheless.
"A mechanic. It was family owned." Deanna smiled. "That could come in handy here, everyone who stays has a job to do." she explained as Mabel listened intently. Mabel felt strange being in such a nice house, not ever owning one herself. She wondered how Daryl would take this place, given he wasn't much of a people person, and smiled to herself at the thought of him skinning squirrels on the front porch. "Mabel?" Deanna's voice snapped her from her wondering thoughts, and Mabel quickly looked back up. "I'm sorry?"
  Deanna gave the girl a warm smile, "I was wondering what your thoughts were on Rick's group." Mabel thought that over, not wanting to give any wrong impressions that could have them kicked out. "They took me in when they didn't have to. They protected me, gave me shelter. Even though they look at me strange," she trailed off, and Deanna gave her a quizzical look. "Strange how?" Mabel sighed rubbing her forehead before she answered. "As if they've seen a ghost."

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