▴ nineteen ▴

946 74 4

juliet: the "social society" in high school is a load of bs.

jay: what makes you say that?

jay: not that I don't agree. you just caught me by surprise.

juliet: I was at school today and some dumb jock was harassing an "emo" kid, so I stood up for him. not to gain popularity or anything I've just watched this kid get picked on every day and I was so fed up with it.

juliet: the bully did eventually end up going to the office cause the whole event caused such a scene but then my friends started giving me dirty looks.

juliet: they're just so fucking dumb like what was I supposed to do? sit there and watch the kid get bullied? no, that's not me.

juliet: so I told them all to kiss my ass and de-friended them.

juliet: I'm so ready for high school to be over.

jay: I didn't even finish high school, but I got my GED.

juliet: how come?

jay: lots of factors.

juliet: likeeee

jay: bad home life, tragic childhood, bad memories, anxiety. . .

jay: you name it.

juliet: I'm sorry jay.

juliet: if it makes you feel better sometimes mine is not peachy keen either 😪

jay: no ones is, life sucks.

juliet: amen to that.

jay: yeah. . . amen.

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