
485 19 13

A loud beeping sound woke me from my slumber, a groan leaving my mouth as I reached across to the bed side cabinet and hit the alarm till it shut up. I rubbed my eyes, yawning loudly before sitting up and scratching the back of my head. I had to wake up at 6am so I could get ready and get to the school on time.

I rolled out my bed, not bothering to straighten out the bedsheets and fix the blanket since I was that tired. I stumbled into the bathroom to have a wee then take a shower before getting dressed.

It was 6:30am by the time I had finished getting dressed, leaving me to just do my hair and put on some light makeup since I could get breakfast on the way to the school.

I was dressed in a white blouse that had a frilly pattern around the sleeves and collar and a black skirt the reached to just above my knees and hugged my figure nicely. For my hair I simply put it up in a nice bun,  pinning my fringe to the side so it wouldn't keep falling in my face. My makeup was little to non, a little pit of lipstick, blush and eye makeup was all I put on. I gave myself a once over in the mirror, grabbing my sunglasses and placing them on top of my head before heading to the door to put on a pair of black heels then off I went.

The sun was shining brightly in the sky as I walked down the street which made me less sad about not having a car, after all the sun is nice and walking is good for you. I checked my watch to see it had just turned seven so I still had a half hour to reach the school, which would only take no more then twenty minutes.

I came across a small cafe at the corner of a street full of various different shops, pushing the door open and walking in. The inside was cute and homely, the tables all had floral sheets over them and there was couches for people to sit on. I walked up to the counter and a lovely old lady waddled over, smiling widely at me.

"What would you like hun?" She said softly, her voice kind and caring.

I looked at the different things she soled which were written behind her, settling on a cup of coffee and a breakfast bar since I couldn't stay long. I ordered my things then went to sit in one of the couches while I waited.

The cafe was surprisingly empty, only myself and an elderly couple were here. The elderly couple sat by the window, talking about something one of there grandchildren had done while eating sandwiches. I couldn't help but smile at the scene in front of me. 

The small bell rang as the door opened, my head turning from the couple to the door in curiosity. A man walked in, he looked older then me but not by much. His hair was shaved on the sides, yet shaggy on top so he could easily cover the shaved sides of he wanted to. He wore a white shirt with a black blaze and tie along with black skinny jeans and a pair of black Nike trainers. He looked slightly familiar but I shrugged it off since I didn't know anyone over here so I obviously didn't know him.

The man ordered a coffee and breakfast bar, the same a me, then walked over and sat beside me. I watched as he pulled out his phone and started texting away, the sound of the lady speaking making me turn away.

"Young miss, your coffee is ready" the older lady said softly and I stood, walking over to the counter.

She handed me my coffee and breakfast bar and I handed her the money, bowing my head slightly in thanks as I left the shop and headed to work.

Finally, after what seemed like ages but was actually just fifteen minutes, of walking I reached the large school. I dropped my empty rubbish in the bin outside and walked through the gates and into the office.

I was welcomed and shown to the art studio where I was given my own classroom. My class was relatively large, a large white table ran around the corner of the room which had a variety of art supplies and was filled with draws for holding various things. My desk was right at the front of the class, a row of tables facing it.

I explored the art studio for a while, introducing myself to the other aft teachers. There was only three art teachers including myself. There was Mr song who was also korean like myself, he was a younger man and had short brown hair. Then we had another female teacher called Mrs steel, she was older then myself and Mr song and had short curtly blond hair and glasses. Overall the two of them were lovely and I was really going to enjoy being here with them.

Before I knew it the studio was filled with teens doing extra work before first class started, all of them saying hi or asking who I was and if I was going to be there teacher, to which I replied with a simple 'you will have to wait and see' which earned different responses from each teen who asked.

The first bell rang and students started to line up outside the classroom, my excitement was over the top as I let them in. I couldn't wait for my first class to start.


By lunch time I was exhausted, my classes sure did run me down. Korean students are a lot different to American.

I opened the door to the teachers lounge, walking in a plopping down on the bright blue sofa. I was the only one in the room for now but it wasn't long before the door opened and the guy from this morning walked in. I was slightly shocked to see him here but stood, outstretching a hand for him to shake, which he did.

"Your the girl from the cafe, right?" He asked, his voice was a lot higher then I thought it would of been and again, sounded familiar.

"Yeah" I laughed lightly, surprised he even remembered me since he was on his phone when he sat next to me.

His eyebrows furrowed slightly, his expression changing to one of confusion and deep in thought. Just before I was about to speak he pipped up.

"This may be strange but I feel like I've seen you somewhere before?" He asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

"I thought I knew you too, but I've only been here a day so I don't think I do know you" I giggled softly and he laughed.

"Ah I see, probably not then. Anyway, what's your name?" He asked, sitting on the couch and patting the spot next to him for me to join him, which I did.

"I'm haru, haru kim~ you are?" I smiled softly at him, confused when his expression dropped to a shocked yet worried one.

"Jay...jay park"


Long chapter im sorry! But the wifi won't work so I had nothing better to do then just write for when it decides to work again!

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