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A week had passed since me and jay got together to speak about the old days, I had made some new friends between my work colleagues. The one I was closest to was a history teacher called Faith Simon.

Faith was a young woman, she was no older then twenty five. Her skin was a chocolate brown that matched her dark brown eyes. She had long, dyed grey hair that reached her lower back thought it was normally put into a high ponytail. She always had very bold makeup that really made her features stand out, overall she was a very beautiful girl.

The two of us hit it off right away, laughing and joking about different things. We made a deal that if I came to speak to her class about some of the history in Seoul that she would help with teaching my class fashion design. So I was currently sat in front of her class teaching them a little bit of korean.

After the class ended both me and Faith had a free period, so we headed to the teachers lounge to get ourselves a cup of tea. The walk was filled with laughter as faith tried to pronounce some of the korean I had told her class, it was honestly funny. Once we reached the lounge I opened the door, walking in and holding the door open for Faith to come in, which she did and I let the door go. I was surprised to see jay sitting on the sofa.

"Ay" jay greeted, nodding his head at us as he looked from his phone which was held in his hands. "What are you two doing here?" He asked as I sat beside him, Faith walking over to boil the kettle.

"Both of us don't have a lesson to teach right now" I said and he nodded his head softly. "Yourself?" I asked, watching as he turned his phone off and slipped it into his pocket.

"Some trainee is teaching my class to gain experience or something" he said with a shrug, getting to his feet. "But I'm meant to be keeping an eye on her so im going to have to go" he chuckled, making his way over to the door. "See you two lovely ladies later~" he winked then left.

I couldn't help but laugh lightly, a loud scoff coming from Faith as she walked over with two cups, one in each hand. I gave her a confused look as she placed the cups down.

"How can you like him? He's a fuckboy" she spat, turning to me and pointing a finger. "Do not fall for him, haru! I live in the same apartment complex as he does and he's always got different girls going in and out!" Faith warned me and I held my hands up in defence.

"Chill! I knew him when I lived in korea. Sure, he loved to party and was a bit of a player but surely he's grown out of that! It's been five years!" I said in his difference. People can change a lot over five years so surely he wasn't like that anymore.

"Think what you wish, but that boys trouble" she warned and I nodded my head slowly, deciding to just drop it to save any type of arguments.


Kinda like a filler chapter I guess

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