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I stood there in shock, I couldn't speak not move. My body was frozen, eyes glued to jay. After all this time, all these years, I just so happen to work with him?!

"Your a jerk, you know that right? You left your best friend without even telling him where you were going! Do you know how sad loco was?!" I snapped in anger, taking a step closer to him and poking him in the chest. "You insensitive jerk!" I yelled in anger, jay grabbing my wrists to stop me from poking his chest.

"Yah! Stop it! Do you want to be in trouble on your first day!" Jay frowned at me, pushing my so I landed on the sofa. I stayed quiet, looking up at him with a frown on my face. "Look, can we meet up after work?" He asked with a soft sigh, looking down at me pleadingly.

"Fine, how about the coffee shop from this morning?" I sighed, getting back up and brushing myself off before walking to the door.

"Alright" jay said as I opened the door and walked out.

I let out a frustrated sigh before heading back to my classroom to set up for the next lesson. Jay better have a good excuse for why he just left, sure he was hurt and all but he didn't have to leave to country!


It was finally the end of the day, all my students had left and I was packing my things away so I could go and meet jay. Once everything was away and I had all my stuff I left the school, walking back to the little coffee shop.

I pushed the door open, walking into the small shop and looking to see if I could spot jay anywhere. I spotted him at a booth near the window, two cups in front of him as he was looking down at his phone.

I walked over and tapped on the table causing him to look up. "Ah, haru! I got you a coffee" he smiled, gesturing for me to take a seat in front of him, which I did.

"Thank you" I bowed slightly, wrapping my fingers around the hot cup since It was chilly outside and I needed to warm up.

A few minutes of silence passed between us, jay sipping on his drink while watching me. Me on the other hand just kept my hands around the cup, looking up at him every so often.

"So, you going to give me a reason not to kick your butt?" I asked finally, looking up at him with raised eyebrows.

"Ah, yes" he laughed lightly, putting the cup down on the table and clearing his throat. "I was going to tell loco where I was going but I couldn't risk him telling you, I didn't know if you would try and find me or not" jay shrugged slightly, leaning forward to place his elbows on the table and lean his chin in the palms of his hands. "I couldn't cope with being around you anymore so hyuna offered me to move over here with her and I agreed" he chewed his bottom lip lightly, looking away from the death glare I was giving him.

"So you just up and run away because some girl asks you to move over here? Leaving your friends and family behind?" I frowned even more, drumming my fingers off the table in frustration.

"It's not like that!" Jay said in his defence, siting upright and shaking his hands. "She wasn't just some girl either! She was my girlfriend since I couldn't be with you!" He frowned.

"Your pathetic! You used her just because you couldn't be with me? You didn't even let me speak to you before you left! If you would have stayed longer I could have told you my feelings!" I snapped at him through gritted teeth, watching in anger as he looked at me in confusion.

"Your hurting my brain!" He whined, rubbing his temples and glaring at me. I reached over the table and gave him a back hander.

"I'll do more then hurt your brain!" I snapped as he whined, holding his head and pouting. "Are you not even going to ask how loco is doing?" I frowned after a minute or two.

"How is he? He is doing fine, isn't he?" Jay question, raising an eyebrow as he rubbed his head where I had hit him.

"He's married to tae, they have a beautiful daughter together" I said, a smile tugging at my lips as I thought about them all, taking my phone out to show jay a picture June.

"She's adorable" he smiled, looking at the pictures I was showing him. "She looks like her mom" he laughed softly and I nodded my head.

"Yeah, but she has her daddy's nose" I smiled, looking at the picture of the small girl. I missed her a lot, she was like my own daughter.

"I'm sorry for leaving and missing out on so much" jay sighed, his voice was sincere enough to tell me he really meant that he was sorry.

"And I'm sorry for being an ass to you and making you leave, call a truce?" I asked, offering him a hand to shake. Honestly, I missed having his goofy ass around and could use a friend.

"Yeah" he smiled a goofy grin, taking my hand and shaking it. "So, does this mean we are friends?" He asked carefully, leaning back so I couldn't slap him if he was wrong.

"Yeah, but you have a lot of catching up to do" I laughed, taking a few sips over my coffee which had started to cool.

"How about we talk over dinner tomorrow? I have a lot of shit to finish tonight so I can't stay and chat" he said, scratching the back of his head lightly and giving me an apologetic smile.

"Sure, how about my place at 8pm?" I suggested and he nodded, taking his cup in his hand and standing.

"So I will catch you tomorrow, see ya~" he smiled, shooting me a cheeky wink before leaving the shop.

"Ah he's an idiot, but it's hard not to forgive a face like that" I sighed softly, watching him walk down the street.


Update would have been done a lot earlier if the cat didn't go into labor, so I have been busy but I didn't want to not finish it tonight since I know I won't get it done if I didn't.

Person of the past {book 2, discontinued} Where stories live. Discover now