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After a long day at work, Haru wanted nothing more then to go hope and video call her sister, missing everyone back home madly. But she had art books to grade, so the likelihood that she could tonight was very slim.

Haru couldn't help but sigh as she packed her classes books into her bag, slinging the bag over her shoulder and heading to the door. A small yelp leaving her lips when she seen jay leaning against the doorframe, a laugh of amusement leaving his lips at her fright.

"Yah! When did you get there?!" Haru exclaimed, pointing a finger at the man and narrowing her eyes suspiciously. "Have you been spying on me, huh?" She asked him, a scoff coming from jay.

"Pfft! You wouldn't be so lucky" jay said with sass, flipping his imaginary long hair. "I only spy on cool people" he teased, an offended gasp leaving haru's lips as she hit his harm.

"One, spying on people is weird! And two, im way cooler then you" Haru sassed right back, well able to put up with jays silly jokes and teasing.

"I'm joking, im joking~ I don't spy on people, im not that weird! Jeez! But I am cooler then you, I mean" he paused and pointed to himself, a cocky smirk on his lips. "Look how fine I am, only cool people can look this fly" he said, Haru rolling her eyes, not having the energy to deal with his shit right now.

"I'd love to stay and argue about how I'm way cooler then you, I really would, but I have to go. I want to try and mark all the books so I can call Tae tonight" she said, waving her hands at jay to make him back out of the classroom, exiting and locking the door behind her.

"Ooo! Can I come? I would love to see little June and catch up with everyone" jay piped up, a happy and excited look on his face.

"On one condition" Haru said, beginning to walk and motioning for jay to follow after her, which he did.

"And what's that?" He asked suspiciously, his eyes narrowing as he began to walk beside her.

"We can have a chill night this weekend, watch some movies, get some drink and order in some shit" Haru smiled brightly, needing a brakes from all her work.

"Deal!" Jay said happily, holding his hand out to shake on it. They shook on it, making the deal official.

The two chatted on the way back to haru's apartment, taking about different bratty kids at school and different things about there co-workers. They had a lot of fun, giggling and joking around. When they got to the apartment building, they raced each other. Haru got in the lift and jay took the stairs, jay beating Haru by a couple of seconds.

"I'm simply the best" he said, shooting the woman a cheesy wink as she was unlocking her door.

"Whatever" she scoffed, pushing the door open and walking inside.

Jay followed after her, slipping his shoes off at the door like Haru had before closing the door. Jay went to get a drink while Haru got her laptop, sitting it on the coffee table and turning it on. While she was waiting for it to turn on, she took all the art books from her bag and sat them on the couch, kneeling on the floor as she picked the first one up.

"Jaaaaay" she whined, flicking through the pages of the book as she marked the art work. "Load Skype up on the laptop and call Tae" she asked, glancing up once jay hummed, watching him sit on the couch and begin to work the laptop.

It was quiet between the two as Haru marked some book and jay loaded up Skype, callin haru's younger sister and waiting for her to answer.

"Unnie!!!" A child like voice called over the computer as June's image flashed up on the screen. Though when the child seen jay and not Haru, she froze and narrowed her eyes. "Appa! Appa!" She then started shouting, pointing at the screen.

A few minutes of silence passed before loco looked at the screen, little June whispering his ear. Though loco didn't seem to be listening, just shocked to see jay.

"Jay?!" He gasped earning a laugh from the other. "Oh my god! It's been forever! How are you man?!" He asked happily, little June pulling at his shirt and whispering in his ear again. "That's your uncle jay, say hi" he said to the girl, a chuckle leaving his lips as she shyly hid and waved.

"Hey june~ I've heard so much about you from Haru" jay told the girl as he waved, a little laugh leaving his lips as she perked up at harus name.

"Where unnie?" She managed to say in English, jay turning the laptop so she could see Haru marking all her art books.

"She's busy marking her class work" jay laughed a little as he turned the laptop back to himself. June had a small pout on her lips which made him laugh. "I'm way cooler then she is, I'm way more fun to speak to!" Jay said as he wifgled his eyebrows and pulled a goofy face, a fit of giggles coming from the girl.

A few hours of jay playing with June and June showing him all her different things, then catching up with loco and tae went past before Haru had finished all her marking. She packed her stuff away and joined the conversation, all of them laughing and joking together.

At June's bedtime, jay sang her a little song which made the young child so happily. Both said goodnight to her and then bid farewell to loco and tae, hitting end on the call.

"I love that kid" Haru laughed a little, shutting down her laptop and putting it down on the coffee table.

"She's so adorable" jay smiled brightly. "I need to meet her one day" he exclaimed, taking a bond to the small girl.

"You will~ anyway, you sleeping tonight or getting off home?" Haru asked, moving a hand over her mouth as she let out a small yawn.

"Staying" jay said, her yawn being contagious and making him yawn.

Haru nodded her head, getting up and disappearing off into her room. She returned with a pillow and blanket, throwing it at jay.

"G'night!" She yelled, turning on her heels and walking back into her room where she changed and got into bed.

"Night" jay yawned, getting himself comfortable before drifting off to sleep.


Been so long since I updated T^T mianhae~!
I just haven't had ideas for this, so these last few chapters have been so bleh! Again, I'm sorry!

Person of the past {book 2, discontinued} Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin