To all you Gubloids!

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    I would just like to say a massive thank you to everyone that's been reading the book and who have stuck around. It means a lot that so many people enjoy it and it wouldn't be in the spot it's in without any of you. So thank you to everyone thats liked the book and has read it and hopefully you've all not just read it but enjoyed it because it's not easy being a stalker I think we all know that XD. I really didn't think the book would be so popular but I am very grateful it is and I can't thank everyone enough! I don't know what else to say except thank you and I hope you're ready for more epic facts about Matthew because I will be updating more often! ☺️

    - As a way to get more involved with you guys, first you can follow me on here :) and I will follow you. But the fun thing I would like to do is to start at the end of every page asking you guys a question and have as many of you answer as you can! So then maybe we can get to know each other better.... Does that sound stupid? Idk I think it will be a cool idea and thing to do.  

          So if you follow me on any of my social medias... You would see I have a very common number appear all the time ( in usernames and stuff)  that number being 187.  It has a meaning...And, yes it does have something to do with Criminal Minds.... So the question for the day is. Can you figure out what 187 means in Criminal Minds? 

       P.S. I will be answering all questions a day or two after I ask them because I want to give enough time to answer for everyone, so if you know the answer to todays question right off the top of your head don't say it come back next Wed. And please blow up my notifications with your answers... lol That's all for today sorry theres a lot to read... 

Matthew Gray Gubler FactsWhere stories live. Discover now