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Matthew Gray Gubler!

124. He says one of his favorite things to do is entertain people, and make them smile.

125. He likes Dr. Seuss

126. His favorite songs on CM:

1. Sympathy for the Devil- Rolling Stones

2. The Funeral- Band of Horses

3. Shelter from the Storm- Bob Dylan

4. Clementine- Elliot Smith, Sophia Coppola

127. His favorite TV show theme songs are:

1. Everywhere you look ( Full House)

2. Without Us ( Family Ties)

3. Disney's adventure of the Gummi Bears....  I'm proud to say only Matthew :)

128. Celebrity Crush ( as of the last time he was asked)- Mia Farrow

129. His best friend is his brother.

130. Action or Comedy? - Comedy

131. Walk or Taxi? -Walk

132. Ozzy or Sharon? - Sharon

(  Type Matthew Gray Gubler muscles in a google search engine or if you follow him on twitter go down to May 5 of this year.. Your welcome) :) :) :) :) probably from all that walking ;)

Question- Do you think Matthew would ever get a tattoo? If so what do you think he would get?

My answer- Yes I could see him getting one.. maybe when he's 80 because that's Matthew. I think he would get something super quirky and random, but still means something to him, like maybe one of HIS drawings, honestly I think that would be so cool if he did.

( P.S. I made a Reid reference in this section: something he says quite often, can you find it?)

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