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Matthew Gray Gubler!

172.  When he first moved into his house a friend from New York took a photograph and when she developed it she saw the face of a little girl looking out from one of his windows. Soon after an Australian women he'd just met, saw a little girl's face peering out of the same window. Years later HE saw the same face... CREEPY!

173.  Another night he was sleeping ( John Barrymore used to own this house in the 1920s or 30s ) he woke up to the sound of Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-yayyyy. Like little kids cheering. He realized that the game Scattergories- Scattergories had a timer that you have to wind up. Somehow it was in a box on the shelf in the next room over, it was being wound up and going off like crazy.. by itself! The scary thing is it's not a button you actually need force to turn it. So he ran upstairs. He says it did bother it though... (TF) HE KINDA LIKED IT! Oh Matthew.. XD

174. He holds pens with "Velociraptor hands" so he calls it :)

175. He has/had houses in L.A, Los Vegas, New York, and Nevada. Don't quote me on this one.

176. He says even when he's 90 he will still be like what would Kurt Cobain wear? In his eyes he was the essence of cool.

177. MGG believes there is nothing less stylish than trying to BE stylish. XD

178.  His family roots, in Sin City date back to the 1940s

179. Whenever he is about to play a new character, the first thing he does is draw a portrait of them, to help him know them better in his eyes.

180. On his free time, while shooting, he likes to draw. ( No surprise there)

181. When he doesn't draw people he likes to draw dinosaurs/monsters that he wishes were his friends and then he thinks of stories for them. ( He's so creative)

(I think what we learned recently is that not only do us humans LOVE Matthew so does the supernatural. )

Do you believe in ghosts?

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