Matthew Gray Gubler.

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Matthew Gray Gubler!

201. 3 things he does when he directs for Criminal Minds is obviously story-boards he's great at those., sleeps a lot XD, and listens to previous music that's been played on Criminal Minds.

202. His favorite scene from an episode he's directed is... When he directed "The Lesson" Season 8, the marionette dance.

203. How/When did he start to find a love for art. He says at least 4/5

204. He tries to always put some sort of at in his directed episodes of CM.

205. He describes Mr. Scratch ( A Criminal Minds episode he directed) as unrelenting.

206. As of season 11 MGG has directed 9 Criminal Minds episodes.

207. He is also a writer/producer/editor he is everything! <3

208. He used to live in an apartment where someone hung themselves.. I don't know if I've already put this in here.. but hey now you know.

209.  Even though Matthew doesn't really have an IQ of 187 he is very highly educated.

210. He also keeps his friends wisdom teeth, so I've read.

What are your guys thoughts on the whole situation with Thomas Gibson leaving?

Update: Updates on hear might become more slow, because I'm back in school. Hopefully however I'll update whenever I get the chance.

Also I've decided to change the titles: Instead of 'Facts' I think I should start naming them Matthew Gray Gubler seeing as they are about him, and I can't always guarantee that these facts are 100% true, as I've talked about earlier. Just know that now when you see that title, it should still be the same thing as before.

Thank you!

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