Chapter 19: The Date

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-Jade POV-

K-Ci pulled up to The Bent Spoon and parked his car.

"So why are we at an ice cream parlor" I asked.

"Because everyone likes ice cream" he said smiling at me as we got out of the car.

"What if I told you I don't like ice cream" I said as we walked towards the front door.

"Then I guess there won't be a date number two" K-Ci said. We laughed as we proceeded inside.

There aren't many people in here which is good, but the few people in here know exactly who K-Ci is. They were looking at us and whispering but I ignored it.

"So what are you getting" he asked once we got to the counter.

"Vanilla with sprinkles in a cup" I said looking at him.

"Hi, I'll take a large vanilla sprinkle in a cup. And a large cookie and cream in a cup" K-Ci ordered.

I was going in bag to pull out some money. "What you doing" he asked looking at me confused.

"Getting money to pay for my stuff" I retorted giving him the same confused look.

"Nah I got it" he said placing the money on the counter and picking up the ice creams.

I shrugged and turned around looking over the parlor.

"You wanna sit over there" I said pointing to a space in the back corner. Leaves us with enough privacy.

"Seems like the perfect spot" he said as we walked over there taking our seats.

"Thank you for my ice cream" I said smiling and taking a teasing lick off the spoon.

"It was nothing but you're welcome" he said adjusting himself in his seat.

I smirked at him. "I have a few questions for you" I said because all this has me thinking.

"Shoot" he said and I nodded putting my ice cream down.

"So why did you ask me out" I asked.

"Why did you say 'yes' to the date" he shot back.

I laughed a little. "Touché. Okay, why did you pick me to be your gym partner" I asked.

"Because I thought you were cute" he said laughing a little.

"So you think I'm ugly now" I asked pretending to be hurt.

He laughed and shook his head "Nah you not ugly Jade, are you done with your questions" he asked putting his ice cream down.

"Yeah I'm done. . . For now" I said and we both laughed.

For the last 20 minutes we sat here talking and laughing. Surprisingly we do have things in common. I think its dope that I can talk to a celebrity and he can be so normal. He's not stuck up and ignorant plus he has a sense of humor.

"Well I'm all out of ice cream" I said holding up my cup and shaking it a little.

"Me too but we can get another round" he said.

"I would love too but I need to get home soon. My parents will lose their shit if I don't get my chores or homework done before bed." I said feeling slightly embarrassed.

I didn't really need to get home but I wanted too, this date actually went great. If I sit here another five minutes I might reach across the table and attack them lips.

"Well that's unfortunate. I'd love to go out with you again soon" he said.

"I'd like that too" I told him as we exited the parlor. We got into his car and headed towards my house.

-30 Minutes Later-

He pulled up in my drive way and parked his car.

"Well I had fun" I said smiling at him.

"Me too and we should do it again" he said and I laughed at his choice of words.

"Yeah we should" I said leaning over to kiss his cheek. I opened the car door getting out of the car. I bent down looking through the window.

"See you tomorrow" I said waving goodbye as he backed out of my drive way.

I waited for him to disappear down the road before I turned around headed towards my house. I twisted the knob because someone always leaves the door open. I walked in and closed the door actually locking it this time.

"You know one of these days we're gonna get robbed" I said out loud to Myles who's sitting in the TV room.

"No we not why you always got some negative shit to say" Myles said annoyed.

"Little boy watch your mouth" my mom said walking into the house from the back yard.

"Sorry ma" he said.

"Hi mom" I said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi, so where were you" she asked as I sat around the island in the kitchen.

"Out with a friend" I replied.

"Did you have fun with your friend" she asked pulling out tonight's dinner from the fridge.

"Yes! It was simple but sweet. Sooo how was work" I asked trying to change the subject.

"It was okay I didn't have much to do today" she said.

That's good. Glad to hear it was easy." I replied getting up.

"Where you going" she asked.

"TV room with Myles" I replied.

I walked into the room and sat on the opposite side of Myles on the couch. A few minutes later Tevin walked into the house slamming the door close.

"Boy don't you slam my door" my mom said Myles and I both laughed.

"Sorry ma" Tevin said.

He walked into the TV room and squeezed himself in between me and Myles. Myles switched over to some ball game.

"Wassup y'all" Tevin asked.

"Nothing chilling" I replied.

"Tryna watch this game but y'all keep talking" Myles said rolling his eyes.

"Man whatever" Tevin and I both said smacking Myles with a pillow simultaneously.

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