Chapter 37: Performance Night

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-Savannah POV-

*A week later*

I'm currently in Roshon room where I'm usually at when I'm pissed off about something. I can't believe DeVante played me like that, made me look like a straight fool! Tonight is the night of the performance and I ain't going. I don't ever wanna hear, see, smell, or think DeVante ever again or I'm gonna go insane. I told my dad about the whole situation and he basically shunned me!


"Dad we need to talk" I said nervous as hell about the out come of this situation. "About what" he asked putting his feet up on the coffee table. "This thing that happened about a week ago and yes it does involve me" I told him and he looked up at me real interested in what I have to say. "Sit Savannah" he said and I declined. "You love me dad no matter what" I asked him. "Of course you’re my little girl" he said and I smiled a little. "You might hate me after this though" I said. "I would never hate you. Savannah just tell me" he said. "Okay you remember DeVante right" I asked trying to avoid eye contact. "Yeah from the group um-" he said "JoDeCi" I finished for him. "Yeah what about him" he asked turning the TV off. "Well remember when he was here for Ms.Boris assignment" I asked. "Yeah and I was at work" he said taking his feet off of the table. "Well some things happened" I said looking down at my fluffy socks. "Some things like what" he asked in a some what angry tone. "I had sex with DeVante" I said really fast. "What? Say that slower" he said. I sighed actually looking at him "I had sex with DeVante" I said and his face got so red and he stood up yelling in his Jamaican accent. "YOU WAHT SAVANNAH? HAVE I TAUGHT YOU NOTHING FROM THE RASS BIBLE? YOU STUPID OR SOMETHIN'? WHY WOULD YOU DO SOMETHIN' AS STUPID AS THAT" he screamed, "WELL YOU AREN'T FUCKING PERFECT EITHER POPS! YOU CHEATED ON MOM WITH HER BEST FRIEND MORE THAN ONCE! I'M PRETTY FUCKING SURE YOU KNEW EXACTLY WHO GOD WAS" I screamed back at him and he stepped closer to me. "What is going on here" Mom asked running into the living with Roshon and Camaira behind her. "Your fucking daughter here slept some rass boy" he said still looking at me. "You what" Roshon asked but Camaira already knew since she goes to the school. "Savannah you what" my mom asked shocked. "Ma I'm eighteen it was bound to happen sometime" I said looking at her. "Get out my face" my pops said. "Gladly" I said rolling my eyes and running up the stairs to Roshon's room.

-Roshon POV-


I walked into my bedroom to see Savannah lying under the covers crying. I sat down on my bed pulling the covers off of her. "Savannah" I said and she turned on her back looking at me. "Yes" she said wiping her face. "Are you still stressing about what happened" I asked. "No" she lied looking away. "I really don't know why you’re trippin' over homeboy! I know he took somethin’ that you can't get back but you did say it was bound to happen some day. It didn't go how you wanted it to but it did happen Savannah. The offer is still on the table if you want me to beat him up" I said smiling and she started laughing a little. "I guess it still hurts a little but you're right about not getting it back. But no I don't want you beating him up" she said and we both laughed. "The show is in two hours and you ain't ready" I told her getting up to look for some clothes. "I'm not going" she said and I turned around looking at her as if she was stupid. "What you mean? Yeah your ass is going! I didn't listen to you chat for hours on hours about this for nada" I told her walking over to my bed again. "I don't want to see DeVante" she said pouting and folding her arms like a five year old. I nodded my head understanding what she was getting at. "You don't wanna go because you're afraid of what the others have to say huh? Fuck what other people think about you Savannah! Remember you always had that 'Fuck what other people have to say' attitude? Keep it, keep your head held high and let DeVante know he ain't win" I told her. "Yeah! Your right I don't give a fuck! I'm gonna go to that performance tonight and do me" she said standing up now. "Yeah and you're gonna prove them wrong" I said cheering with her while pushing her towards the door. "Yeah Ro and thanks for helping me" she said. "No problem" I said opening the door for her. "I'm gonna kick some asses" she said. "Yeah have fun" I said slamming the door close when she got out my room. I heard her laughing "Love you" she yelled. "Love you too" I yelled back laughing a little.  

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