Week 16

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"Daddddyyy  Come on" I whine  and push him out the door and lock it quickly.
"I just want to cuddle with you" he groans shuffling to the car.

Even me being 16 weeks pregnant got to the car before him.
I tapped my foot impatiently as he took his sweet time making his way to the car.
I understand that he wants to hardcore cuddle with me but sadly now isn't the time.
It's time to finally find out if little raspberry is a she or he.
Finally Harry unlocks the car and I quickly get in the seat and wait for him to slowly get in the car.

"Wait" I say seconds after starts the engine.
He looks to me "what?"
"I have to pee first" I quietly say with my hands resting on my baby bump.

"I'll be waiting" he smirks shooing me off.
Forever later
"Okay now we can leave" I say happily as I get into the car and buckle my seat belt.
"Finally you took almost forever, I thought I was going to die waiting" Harry exaggerated while starting up the car again and smiling at me playfully.

"You're just so funny aren't you?"


The whole way to the doctors Harry's hand held mine as i sang to almost every song on the radio which nearly made Harry claw his eyes out.
Let's just say I'm not the best singer.

"God I have to fucking pee again" I sigh getting out of the car and grabbing Harry's hand.

"Wow you're pregnant " he says with a laugh as he holds the door open for me.

"That's what happens when pull out game is weak" I scowl at him playfully as we make our way to the sign in sheet at the front desk.

After we fill out the crap the lady gave us she just smiled and told us that the doctor would see us in a minute.

A minute my ass though because it wasn't until half a hour later that the doctor was ready for us.

Soon after we got in the room the doctor came in and asked how I was doing and feeling and such, then finally whipped out the cold gel and put it on my stomach.
Yesss finally I'm so excited to see what my little dude Is.

"You excited babe?" Harry asks with a big smile on his face while holding my hand while we look at the screen.
"Well duh aren't you?"
"Well yeah"
The doctor started using the wand on my bulging stomach and a little grey blob showed up on the screen.
"Would you like to know the gender" she asked happily after some searching for the baby.
"Yes please" I say and squeeze Harry's hand in mine.
"Well it seems that you two are going to have a beautiful little girl" she says with a smile on her face.

I look up at Harry with tears in my eyes "we're having a girl"
"I heard" he smiles down at me and gives my a sweet kiss to the lips.

"Hmm" the doctor says with a worried look on her face.
My smile instantly fell.
"Is something wrong?" Harry asks noticing how the doctors mood has changed.

"Well it looks as if something may be wrong but it's to early to tell, you should come back in two weeks so I can confirm it "

"Wait is she not okay?" I ask quickly as my heart starts to race.
"Like I said I'm not sure yet but I may be mistaken so I'll set an appointment in two weeks from now. Till then proceeded to be happy parents to be" she says writing on her clip board.
I share a worried look with Harry but smile and clean up the gel from my stomach.
"So we shouldn't be worried?" Harry asked hopefully.
"Yes, don't worry to much I'm sure your baby is fine" she says as we all make our way out of the room.

I can't keep the smile off my face as we drive down the street  and obviously neither can Harry.
We're happy parents to be.
"I think we should go shopping for her!!" I say excitedly.

"You read my mind babygirl" he smiles griping my hand in his.

So is it okay so far?
I'm skipping so much because this story is going to also be about when she's not pregnant and how they live life and such ... Yea feel?

Let me know what you think:)

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