Week 20

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My heart felt like it was going to explode out of my heart as I watched the nurse who had a frown on her face as she looked at the ultrasound screen.

"Um excuse me I'm going to go get one of the doctors" she said and hurried out the door.
"Shit" I say as tears slowly cloud my vision "somethings wrong"

"You don't know that blue don't worry yet" Harry said reassuringly and held my hand in his.

The nurse comes back in followed by who I assume is the doctor and they start moving the want around my belly and look at the screen with frowns.

"W-what's wrong?" I ask softly hoping it's nothing bad.
"Well" the doctor sighs pushing his glasses up his nose. "It looks as if your baby has a heart defect and possible lung dysfunction"

I squeeze my eyes shut and shake my head not ready to hear that news. I couldn't lose my baby i loved her she means everything to me.
"Will she be okay?" Harry asks for me knowing that I couldn't asks for myself at the moment.

"Well, it's not certain. It could all clear up further threw the pregnancy but that is highly unlikely and if your child survives birth they will most likely have problems throughout life,there's also the risk of the mother also not surviving." The doctor pauses almost like he knows his next few sentences may break me.
"It's at this point where most couples discuss wether or not they want to continue the with the pregnancy or terminate it."

I didn't want to but I let out a sob that racked my whole body. I couldn't believe this could happen to my baby. I don't understand.
"No I-I won't kill m-my baby" I said between sniffles as Harry held his arms around me to comfort me.

"I know that's what you think may happen ma'am but terminating the pregnancy could be saving your life and saving your child from suffering." The nurse said and handed Harry a pamphlet that probably related to our situation.
"Why don't you go home and sleep on the idea for a few days and come back once you figure out what you're going to do" she smiled sweetly at Harry and I.
I just nod my head and get ready to leave the doctors office already.

"Don't worry blue we'll get through this" Harry said stroking my hair lovingly as I curled into him on the bed.

I shake my head making more tears fall "no I can't. We can't lose her"

I already loved my little girl I couldn't just let her go without even trying. But I also understand what the nurse was saying about her suffering. I never want to hurt her.
"We won't lose her blue, she's ours I'll do everything I can to make sure you and her are okay"
I knew that Harry was also hurting I had seen a stray tears in his eyes as we were leaving the doctors earlier but I also knew he was trying to be strong for me.
"I love her already" I tell him sadly.
"I love her too" he says placing a hand on my stomach.

Suddenly I felt a weird movement right where Harry's hand was and apparently he felt it too.
I gasp and looked up at him my face brightening  "did she just kick?"

"I think so" he says in awe rubbing my stomach slightly  "See she's strong she'll make it threw this, I promise"

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