Week 29

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Today was the day. December 3rd 2016. I am marring the love of my life and the father of my child.
I had tears in my eyes as I looked at myself in the full length mirror. My white satin dress flowed to the ground elegantly with a beautiful open back coved in a lace pattern that traveled to the front and acted as selves and my big baby bump showed through and I wore it proudly, I was twenty nine weeks and six days meaning tomorrow I would be thirty weeks. So close to my due date I couldn't help but cross my fingers and hope she makes it.

"You look so beautiful" my best friend Ashley says wiping tears from her eyes.

"Thank you so do you" I laugh happily.

"I never thought that this would happen I'm so proud of how far you've came" she tells me and hugs me tightly.

"I know and just wait you're next" I joke and let her out of my hug when I hear music start.

"Oh god it's time places" she says leading me to the entrance of a big door "good luck blue"

"Thank you, you too" I say and wipe my face of any left over happy tears and grab my fathers arm.
I only had one brides maid and it was Ashley so she grab her boyfriends arm in hers and started down the isle.

And then it was my turn. The nerves are alive at my stomach and I clutched my fathers hand in mine.
I started walking and saw all ten faces look up at me. Yeah not many people came but that's what we were hoping for. As my eyes locked with harrys it was like he was the only other person in the room his long hair was pushed back in his Normal style and he wore a fitting black tux with a bright smile on his face.
I soon enough I'm standing next to Harry after my dad passes my off to him and everyone but us sit down.

Everything went by in a blur from us reciting our vows to us walking back down the isle together and then us at the reception where everyone greeted us and congratulated us and we ate really good cake.
Then soon enough it was time for our honey moon. Which is just us spending alone time at our house.

Harry even did the cliché carry your wife into the front door witch was cute but I don't know how he lifted my pregnant ass.
"I love you so much blue I'm so happy we did this" he tells my once he sets me down in the living room.
"I love you too I can't wait to start our life together"
"Me either"

We slowly make our way up the steps and to our bed room passing our little girls room on the way.
"What should we name her" I ask, we had already narrowed it down to two names brook and Hayden but we couldn't decide on one.

"I don't know I really like both the names, we could always just wait and see what name spiritually calls to us when she's born." He says making my laugh a little.

"Sure Harry that's what we can do" I say with a laugh and sit on our bed to take my shoes off.
It was midnight and I was tired but not so tired that I would sleep and miss out on what most newly weds do on their honeymoon.
Harry takes off his jacket and shoes  as I carefully take off my dress and hang it up in the closet neatly.
I walk out from the closest and find Harry staring at me.
"You're so beautiful " he tells me as he leans in and kisses my softly.
The soft kiss makes my stomach churn with butterflies as it turns into a faster kiss and I reach to unbutton his shirt.
In pulled as close as I can get to him as I pull off his shirt without breaking our kiss. Then Its off with his pants, the belt proving to be a challenge for me and him laughing slightly as I struggle with it until he is freed from his pants.

He walks us to the bed and lays me back gently on the soft comforter as he kisses down my neck making me let out a moan. My hands wonder to the back of his neck and I grab onto his curls as he starts massaging my naked chest with his hands I feel a cold liquid fall down between my thighs.
We pull away and i look down to see the bed wet with whatever this shit is.

"Woah thats the wettest I've every gotten a girl" Harry says and I push him off me as anxiety hits me at full blast.

"M-my water just broke" I stutter out and look over to him in panic.
"But it's too early" he says as the situation catches up to his mind.

"Well that doesn't stop it from happening" I stand to my feet and grab a near by towel and wipe my self off before quickly Changing and grabbing my phone.
Harry meets me back in our room with our hospital bag looking almost as nervous as I do.
"Shit she shouldn't be this early" I say and start biting my finger nails as we make our way to the car.
"I know but maybe they can un brake your water and she'll be fine" Harry tries to reassure me but I had the worst gut feeling about this.

This will probably be a short story cause honestly I want to start on the next one that will be a spin off to Flickr how exciting so yeah enjoy reading and let me know what you think.

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