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My nerves were at a all time high as I held onto my stomach and waited for the doctor to enter the room.

"Everything will be okay baby, don't worry" Harry says kissing my cheek softly as he pushes my hair back.

"You don't know that" I mumble softly fighting back tears.
I don't think I could handle it if something happens to my little girl, I haven't even met her but she's my world.
"Babe-" he was interrupted by the sound of the rooms door opening and the shuffle if the doctors feet as he walked in the room.

"Mr. and mrs.styles I can't say I'm to excited to see you two at such a late hour ,now how bout we check out little one" he says as he turns on the ultrasound machine and gives us a smile.
"Yeah we're a little bit worried about her" I say as I raise up my shirt and let him apply the warmed blue liquid to my stomach. More like a lot a bit worried about her.

"Hmm, well it looks like your about 11 weeks too early to give birth" he hummed.
Oh Wow really dip shit I obviously didn't figure that already.

"There's a lot of things that could go wrong with giving birth this early, the lungs and heart are not fully developed yet and the child could be from what I see at even more risk of a heart defect, we can start giving you steroids now to help with development and see how long we can hold off the birth for" he says and hands my a towel so I can wipe off my stomach but I don't have the strength to grab it from him.

  "So um do you personally think she'll be okay" I ask softly as tears form behind my eyes.

"Honestly I don't know ma'am we just have to have hope with these kind of things" he pauses giving me a sad look "I'll send a nurse in to give you the steroids soon" he says then makes his exit.

My loud broken sob is what brakes the heart breaking silence. Harrys there right away pulling me to him in a deep embrace. My head pulled into his chest and as he rests his own head on mine I feel wetness fall off my forehead. We sat like this for awhile just holding each other and crying for our poor little girl who we were sure would make it.

Two days later

"Oh fuck my ass!!!" I exclaim quietly as a pain shoots through my lower stomach.
These pains have been happening for the last six hours at least every thirty minutes. And having these pains were not a good thing, they meant that my little baby wanted out even if she was to early. She just too excited to see the world.
It's gunna fuck her up when she realizes how harsh the world really is.
  "Are you okay blue?" Harry asks coming to my side and grabbing a hold of my hand.
"Does it look like I'm fucking okay?" I snap at him as the pain shoots painfully through me then subsides.

"Well shit sorry" he mumbles and kisses my hand. God does he have to be so cute at this moment.

I let out a sigh after the pain left "it's okay I didn't mean to snap I'm just frustrated"

"It's fine I understand" Harry smiles and kisses me on my lips sending small little tingles through me.
I feel a jab at my side a smile widely and place Harrys hand over where I felt it.
She kicks again and he smiles as he feels her move .
"I hope you know mommy and daddy  love you very much and we can't wait to see you happy and healthy" he says speaking to my belly then gives it a quick kiss and smiles back at me.

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