The Red Diamond

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  When you came to stand on your legs, you gazed into orange-red eyes that seemed to only possess kindness. However, your vision was still blurry and you saw a figure clothed in hues of grey, blue, red, gold and navy blue. You saw the person guiding you over to a black round table with matching chairs. They set you down in one of the chairs and disappeared from your field of vision. Feeling your body giving out, you laid your right arm on the table and rested your head on your arm, trying to become comfortable. Footsteps re-approached you, as you heard something being set on the table.

"Don't go unconscious on me, I just retrieved the bandages and medical supplies".

Despite the person's words you had no energy left and just continued to lay your head on your arm. The person sighed and when you felt a sudden sting, you shot right up, trying to pull your left arm back, but the person kept a firm grip on you.

"Hold still, and this will go quicker. I need to clean your wounds before I put the bandages on. I can't have you die yet".

What did the person mean by yet? Though, you soon pushed that question out of your mind, since they were currently tending to your wounds. You had no idea how much time had passed before the person finished tending to your wounds, but once they finished they disappeared once again into another part of the room you were in. Knowing that your wounds were now tended to, you laid your head back down on table glad to be rid of that forest and the shadows. However you knew that you would seeing more of Heart, which made your tighten at just the thought of him. Bringing your left hand up to your face, you gently glided your fingers across the cut on your cheek. Hopefully it would heal, otherwise you would forever have a permanent mark that would represent the blue haired jester.

Soon you heard something else being set on the table. Opening your eyes, you found a black and white checkered teacup and saucer with gold trimming in front of you. The delicious scent of a cappuccino feeled your nose. Raising your head, you brought your hands around the teacup, instantly feeling the warmth of the coffee. Grateful for the comforting warmth, you brought the beverage to your lips, taking a careful sip, so as to not burn yourself. As the liquid touched your tongue, you seemed to awaken a little, as the warmth spread throughout your body.

Your vision becoming less cloudy, you finally analyzed your surroundings. The tiled floor followed the same pattern as the other room, its black and white checker pattern lining the floor. Red crimson walls surrounded you, as the only significant piece of furniture was the table you were sitting at with its matching chairs. The rest of the room seemed to stretch on indefinitely, reminding you of never-ending hallway. Moreover, past a certain point you could see nothing but a sea of darkness. So where did the bandages and teacup with the coffee come from? Maybe you could only see the rest of room if you traveled into the void that lay beyond.

Though the thing that drew your attention the most was the man sitting across from you. Just like Heart he was dressed like a jester. He had a pointed red, blue and gold pointed hat, which folded upwards along the edges of the hat while a blue triangular piece of fabric was wedged between the fold and the point. Gold embroidery and gold crystals decorated the hat that sat on his head of red hair with yellow and pink highlights. A painted red diamond decorated his left eye while a blue design decorated his right eye. A giant bow, half red half blue, with folds of hanging striped blue and white fabric was tied around his neck, which stood out against his grey coat. Furthermore, a golden handle saber rested at his side just like Heart.

Seeing his appearance you tensed, hoping he didn't have a personality like Heart. He seemed to notice your body tense and a smile fell upon his lips. "Ah, do not worry, I am not going to hurt you. I did mend your wounds did I not? No matter, introductions are in order. I am called Diamond, but I do not seem to know your name".

Keeping your hands around the warm teacup, you stared at the man, expecting to see some sort of evil intent within his eyes, but you only saw kindness. 

Deciding that you might as well tell the strange man your name, you muttered "It's _____".

"It suits you. Now Miss _____, how is the coffee?".

"It's delicous, thank you. However, I must ask. Do you have any relation to Heart?".

His smile widened slightly, before he rested his head in the palm of his left hand. "Yes, he is my twin brother, but I assure you I am not like him. I just wanted to chat with you, since you are the first visitor to this world in quite a while". 

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