Jealous [SpartAce]

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Ji hyo slammed her apartment's door. She threw herself to the bed and closed her eyes. She was really tired from her drama shooting. A minute later, she stood up and turned on the TV. It took 3 minutes to see all the channel and she knew that none of the movie satisfied her. She groaned and started to dig through her thousands piles of CD. She really wanted to watch a movie now. She sighed as she threw some undesired CDs until she stopped.

It was Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows pt.2

She smiled as the flashback started in her head.


"Ji hyo yah, look! I bought 2 tickets for us." Jong kook grinned happily as he showed her 2 tickets of Harry Potter's movie. "Yay! Come on oppa, let's go buy popcorn and drinks." She chirped. They bought caramel popcorn and 2 drinks of soda. They ran just in time before the people close the cinema's door.

"Fuuhh... Just in time." Jong kook sighed. They sat at their seats and the movie started. She chewed the popcorn and drank the soda. Jong kook seemed bored with the movie but she didn't. She watched every scene and commented almost everything.

"Oppa, don't you think that Harry is cool here? He gets manlier and his jawline is awesome!" She squealed and shook Jong kook hard. Jong kook only clicked his tongue in annoyance, "His jawline is not that great. Mine is even better."

Ji hyo raised her eyebrows. What's wrong with his mood suddenly? Jong kook now paid no attention to the movie and began to play with his phone. Ji hyo was quite mad that Jong kook didn't care about the movie but she finally ignored him. The scene was now playing Harry and Draco fight in the room of requirement.

"Oh my god oppa!! Look! Harry and Draco were fighting. Gosh, I really love that white-blonde hair of him." Ji hyo gasped.

"Don't you know that he dye that hair? And yet I guess mine is a whole lot better than his." Jong muttered.

"Oh please. Why do you even care?" Ji hyo snapped him and Jong kook stayed quiet.

The scene was now in Harry and Voldemort's fight and again Ji hyo enthusiastically said, "Look, they're so strong. Those wands were awesome."

Jong kook rolled his eyes and murmured, "Strong? It's only stick for godness sake! I could even break them into two, you know."

Ji hyo can't stand any longer and scowled, "Stop it! Why do you act like this? Unless...." She stopped and smirked. "What?" Jong kook raised his eyebrows.

"Oppa.. You're jealous right?"

"Ehh??" Jong kook dramatically gasped and blushed. He bit his lips as his face turned red. Ji hyo laughed at his action, "Come on. Just admit it. It's so obvious."

Jong kook turned his head and sipped his drink. Is it really obvious? He sighed and focused on the movie. Ji hyo smiled at Jong kook's jealous action. Aigoo... Why can't he just admit it? Such a jealous oppa. She ate her popcorn and watched the movie.

"Eii... Ron and Hermione's kiss is too short right, oppa?" She pointed out; complaining. Jong kook look at her curiously, "Jinjja? It's short?" Ji hyo nodded. Jong kook showed no expression as his face became closer and closer to Ji hyo. And it happened very fast that she can't even avoid or react.

He kissed her. In the lips. For like 3 seconds.

"See, that's even shorter." Jong kook grinned.

"Whaa-whaattt?! Did you just freaking kiss me?" Ji hyo shouted and immediately everyone was watching them. Jong kook shrugged, "I guess so."


"Alright, fine. I admit. I'm jealous, okay? I mean Harry or Draco or Ron isn't that cool or strong." He looked to her eyes. Ji hyo laughed heartily, "I knew it. And I bet, you know I liked someone."

Jong kook smiled and he kissed her. This time it's quite long.

End of flashback

Ji hyo reached her phone and dialed someone. "Oppa, I found this CD of Harry Potter. Wanna watch it together? You could be jealous, though." She teased him. She could hear Jong kook chuckled as he agreed. She smiled and kept her phone.

Maybe watching movie with a jealous oppa could turn her day to a better one.

Author's note:

Turns out I could update! So here's another SpartAce story! I know it's short, I'm lacked of idea. Please comment and tell me what you think about this story. Also which couple story will you want next? Thanks!

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