Doubt [SpartAce]

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Long time no update :)

This is a SpartAce AU.
Fully inspired by a comic and a sitcom in real life.


"Come on, have a drink again!"

Jong kook poured another glass of soju to his friends again. His workers.

HaHa and Kwang soo threw him strange glances which Jong kook continued to ignore. Not like he care what they thought.

The others talked and laughed together while drinking their soju. After all, it was free. Jong kook will be the one who paid.

"Why?" Kwang soo finally asked.

"What? You want more? Here." Jong kook shoved him a bottle of vodka.

"Stop it hyung! What is it?" HaHa raised his tone slightly.

Jong kook whistled carelessly while he sipped his drink, "It's nothing, okay. My treat. After all you did for our department? You guys deserve this."

"If you say so." Kwang soo shrugged and he began to talk to one of his friends.

HaHa still looked at him suspiciously but he also gave up and joined Kwang soo's conversation.

Jong kook sighed and rubbed his temple. He took out his phone and stared at his lock screen picture.

A picture of him and Ji hyo from years ago. They were in a park, grinning happily with an ice cream in Ji hyo's hand.


Jong kook and Ji hyo had tied knot when they're 28 years old. Jong kook is the head department of sports facilities. Ji hyo is a waitress in a cafe.

They met years back in the college. It started strangely. Jong kook was dared by Cha Tae hyun his best friend to kiss the most beautiful girl in the room. Never running from a challenge, he had kissed Ji hyo out of the blue.

Jong kook went home with a red hand-printed cheek.


The next day however, Ji hyo went straight to his desk. The class strangely (or not) was quiet and Jong kook bet everyone was looking at them.

"So..." Jong kook muttered, looking at Ji hyo confusely.

"You had just take my first kiss yesterday." Ji hyo said.

Now that startled Jong kook. Like whaaat? A girl as beautiful as Ji hyo had never kiss?

"I'm--" Jong kook was about to say sorry when Ji hyo interrupted him.

"Be my boyfriend."

The class cheered and Jong kook's jaw fell.

His answer was obvious after all.


Like all couples, they had fights. Once, because Jong kook thought Ji hyo was cheating. Second time, when Jong kook left Ji hyo alone in the ghost house. Third, when Ji hyo was certain that Jong kook is gay.

And also like 2% of all couples, they actually ended up in a marriage.

And an adopted son.

Wait, whaaat?!


Joong ki was their son's name. Song Joong ki is actually the nephew of Ji hyo. Unfortunately, his parents died in a car accident. Having no family left, Ji hyo decided to adopt him.

Jong kook met the boy when the boy was around 2 or 3 years old.

"Hey, who's the kid?" Jong kook looked confusely at Joong ki while gulping the water.

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