Him [Candy Alliance]

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Long time no update!

Here's a Candy Alliance story.

Don't forget to vote and comment ;)

High-School AU story ;

Just so you know, everyone was younger here.
Ji hyo was born in 1995.
Jae suk was born in 1994.


Ji hyo didn't how it started. But she did know when it started.


"Excuse me?" A man was standing in front of her. "Are you Song Ji hyo?"

Ji hyo raised her head and closed her book, "yes. I'm Song Ji hyo. Anything wrong?"

"Ah, here." The guy gave her a small book.


"You dropped it. In the class corridor." The guy smiled.

Ji hyo took the book and realised it was really hers. "Gumawo, umm.. what's your name again?"

"Jae suk. It's Yoo Jae suk." The guy, Jae suk, grinned. "Bye." He took off immediately and ran to his friends.

Ji hyo was too surprised to say a single thing. Yoo Jae suk! The famous Jae suk! How could she not notice? And did he just talk to her?

It was no secret that Ji hyo was a nerd girl. The invisible ones. No one talked to her and the most famous guy just talked to her.

It was October 10th, 2011.
She'd totally remember that day.


"Ji hyo? You okay?" Someone tapped her shoulder. She turned back to look at Kwang soo.

"Huh? I'm okay..." She sighed.


The next time they met, it was on school meeting. The students were voting for their club leaders.

"I vote for Jong kook to be gymnasium club leader!"

"I vote for Joong ki to be acting club leader!"

"Ji young for singing club leader!"

Ji hyo rolled her eyes and sat quietly. It was so loud and truth is, Ji hyo didn't care. She's going to be in literature club anyways.

"I vote for Song Ji hyo to be literature club leader!"

Everyone was suddenly quiet.

"What?!" Ji hyo gasped.

She looked around to see how on earth vote for her.

It was easy as Jae suk was the only one standing.

"I said I vote for Song Ji hyo to be literature club leader!" He spoke calmly.

Everyone was now looking at her weirdly.

"He must be crazy..."
"What's going on?"
"Song Ji hyo?! Puh-leasee..."
She could hear mumbles from around.

Jae suk then glared, "What? Anything wrong? Tell you what, Ji hyo is actually better in literature than you guys."

The principle then wrote her name as 'Literature Club Leader' hesitantly.

Jae suk then sat back; satisfied.

Ji hyo was frowning now. What's with Jae suk? Is he nuts?!

But deep down, Ji hyo was happy. She had always wanted to be the literature class president.

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