Best Friends [Same Aged Friend]

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"I hope Joong ki will be coming back to Running Man.. He could make our rating higher." Suk jin sighed. The members immediately agreed with him.

"Yeah! Let's call Joong ki back. He is getting more popular these days." Jong kook chuckled. Kwang soo, who heard his bestfriend name, frowned. Jae suk realised this and continued the teasing.

"Poor Kwang soo. His popularity will always be one step behind Joong ki. Even after he acted in a drama with Jo In sung, Joong ki will always be above him." Jae suk teased him as usual.

"What? Stop mentioning his name! I hate him!! Gaaahh!" The silly giraffe screamed. His hyungs laughed at his reaction without knowing deep down Kwang soo was 50% being serious about it.

He was really jealous of Joong ki. When Joong ki left Running Man, he was really sad but he knew that that was the time for him to shine. Sure enough, he gained the nickname of 'Asia Prince'. His popularity was booming in Asia thanks to Running Man. Plus that he acted in a drama with Joong ki (Nice Guy) , he was noticeable.

Kwang soo grinned widely when he heard that Joong ki will be going for military service. Yes, he would miss him. But this is the time. The time he had been waiting for. When Joong ki went to the military service, Kwang soo played in a drama with Jo In sung, D.O. and Gong Hyo jin (It's okay, that's love).

No one talked about Joong ki anymore. People started to love him. But when Joong ki was released, he made a comeback drama with Song Hye kyo (Descendants of the sun) and the rating of the drama keep on increasing. Song Joong ki was now really really REALLY  famous.

Kwang soo cursed himself for being so unlucky. But he still congratulated Joong ki and they were still near like ever. He shook his head; clearing his minds and focused on the shooting.

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"Kwang soo yah, let's go have a drink together." Jong kook walked to him. Behind Jong kook, Gary and HaHa were waiting. Kwang soo wanted to go with them but he shook his head, "No. Sorry, hyung."

"Eh?" Jong kook was confused. Usually Kwang soo would join them together. Kwang soo smiled, "No, I can't. I.. My friend asked me first to hang out with him." Jong kook shrugged like it was nothing, "Alright then. Have fun."

Kwang soo waved to his hyungs and went to his car. He pulled out his phone and texted Joong ki : 'Joong ki yah, where will we meet?' He waited for Joong ki's reply. 5 minutes. 10 minutes. 30 minutes. Kwang soo started to get impatience and drove home. Maybe next time. Joong ki gave him the reply 1 hour later : 'Mianhae Kwang soo yah, I'm busy. What about tomorrow?'

Kwang soo didn't say anything and threw himself to the bed. He knew that it'll turned out to be like that. He closed his eyes and hoped for a nice dream.

The next day, Kwang soo had no schedule so he decided to stay at his apartment the whole day. It was 7 p.m. when Joong ki texted him : 'Hey, where are you? Let's go have a dinner together.' Kwang soo jumped in excitement and quickly changed his shirt. He drove his car to 'H' restaurant as planned.

"Joong ki yah, here!" Kwang soo said a little loud to get Joong ki's attention. Joong ki turned his head, searching his bestfriend's voice before finally found him. Joong ki smiled and sat in front of Kwang soo.

"Wow, Kwang soo, you strangely look good in that." Joong ki pointed out his shirt. Kwang soo smirked, "I know right?" Both of them laughed heartily and ordered their meal.

45 minutes later, they had finished their dinner. "So, where are we going now?" Joong ki asked. "Hmm... let's go have a drink at 'T' bar, shall we?" Kwang soo think out loud. Joong ki nodded his head, "Good idea. I pay the drink this time."

'T' bar wasn't crowded and they went to a place in the corner. They challenged each other to drink in one shot and in an instant, they had been drinking 3 bottles each.

Joong ki started to say silly things and Kwang soo started to dance crazily. "Yahh Kwang soo, this is awesomeee~" Joong ki shouted. Kwang soo laughed, "Totally agreeee!!!!" It was already the fourth bottle when Kwang soo started to talk seriously, "Aigoo.. my friend here is really lucky. Your popularity was great. I wonder what's your secret."

Joong ki chuckled, "No secret at all. Maybe because I look young. Unlike you." Kwang soo's smile started to disappear slowly. Joong ki didn't seem to realise it and continued, "You know I was surprised when you told me that we were same age. You look older than your age! While me? I was always young and cute. Ahahahaha~"  Joong ki laughed.

Kwang soo couldn't stand anymore and hit the table hard. He glared at Joong ki angrily. "Well, I'm sorry that I don't have a baby looking face like you."  Joong ki had stopped laughing and his mouth was open. "I'm going home." And with that Kwang soo walked away, leaving Joong ki who finally realised that Kwang soo was being serious. 'Aishh.. I thought we were just joking around.' Joong ki thought and he ran outside.

Kwang soo slammed his apartment's door and locked himself in his room. He knew Joong ki was kidding but he hated everytime someone talked about his look that didn't match his age. Everyone always compared him with Joong ki. He hate it.

Kwang soo rolled around his bed. Just as he was half sleeping, someone knocked his apartment's door. At first Kwang soo ignored it. But the sound was getting louder. He groaned and opened his door. He raised his eyebrows when he saw Joong ki was standing there.

"What now?" Kwang soo grunted. Joong ki bit his lips and muttered, "I.. I'm so sorry for just now. I really didn't mean it. I thought we were just joking around. Mianhae Kwang soo yah." Kwang soo didn't say anything at first but when he saw that Joong ki really regret and felt sorry about it, he knew he had already forgive him.

"Fine, come in." Kwang soo mumbled. Joong ki smiled and raised a plastic bag. "What is it?" Kwang soo asked curiously. "CDs of your favorite film. I bought just now. Let's stay up all night watching it all!" Joong ki enthusiastically said.

Kwang soo was dumbfounded and asked, "But you must be busy tomorrow." Joong ki shrugged, "Who cares about it. Now, bring out the soda cans you have. Oh, don't forget the snacks too." Joong ki winked at him. Kwang soo nodded his head and went to take the food and drinks.

This is why he was bestfriend with Joong ki. This is why he liked him so much. Because he is Song Joong ki.

Author's note:

I must say that I love the two of them. Eventhough Joong ki teased Kwang soo, everyone know that they are bestfriend. So, how was the story?

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