Chapter I

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(y/n) your name
(f/m) favorite meal
(f/c) favorite color
(h/c) hair color
(f/n) favorite novel

3rd person P.O.V

You started your day with another school. You hate it! You hate to go to school. But, you couldn't do anything. Your dad will felt disappointed for you and you don't want to make him feel bad. But on the other hand, you don't want to be 'make fun of' with your 'friends'.

You sighed and got up from your bed. Strecthing up, took your towel and go for a quick bath. You dressed on a white T-Shirt with black words, it says 'it's all about magic!'. You pulled out a black jeans and a pair of (f/c) converse shoes. Also tied up your (h/c) hair. You pulled your bag and stormed out from your room.

You saw your dad were in the kitchen, cooking you some breakfast. You love your dad more than everything you can say or do. He's your family, or maybe your only. You could blamed your mom for what she did. Your dad is a good and kind man. Why did your mom left him alone? Why did she didn't want you?

"Oh! Morning, sweetie! Here's your breakfast!" Your dad said with putted a plate on the table. He cooked (f/m) for your breakfast. "Morning too!" You sat down and ate your meal. After that, you heard the school bus has arrived. You got up from  your seat. "Thanks for the meal, dad! See you!" "See you!" And you went outside.

You stepped your foot on and enter the hell carriage as the door closed again. You picked your seat. You normally seat alone, because no one wants to seat with you. It seemed that they hated you.

The hell carriage stopped in front of the hell on earth building. You went inside and go to your locker immediately. You took books for the 1st until 3rd lessons. But since the bell didn't rang, you dicided to walked to the school's park with your (f/n). You love reading books since you were six years old. That fact made your father surprised, because you've been diagnosed positive dyslexia. And that's the other reason why you didn't have any friends.

You walked with your head down and eyes focused on the novel that you read. You bumped into someone. Glad you both were okay. "Sorry." The person said. "Yeah, it's fine. I'm sorry too." You said back while you scanned to the person. A boy with blonde hair, electric blue eyes and tall. He seemed nice, you thought. He continue his walk and the time passed.

You arrived at the park. That huge green-grassed park has a small lake. The air was fresh. This place make you feel calm. You read your novel when you sat down on a bench.

You heard the bells rang. You ran to your classroom. The first lesson was Mathematic. You hate the lesson, you hate the teacher. The teacher who taught you seemed hate you too! The teacher come inside the class. It's a short woman with red eyes and thin white glasses.

First she entered the class, she gave the students job without a chit-chat. That teacher name was Mrs. Evila. Yeah, you see? You can erased the 'a' and it'll turn into something that fit with her appereance. Maybe her parents out of name when she was born. "Hey! This baby has a red eyes! I'm sure Evila is fit!" 

But some rumors said there was a boy from the other classroom that ever saw Mrs. Evila ate a life chicken in a quite hall after school! That rumors made Mrs. Evila more evil. You believe that rumor. Why not?

In the middle of the lesson, a boy came in. That was the same boy with blonde hair that you met last hour. He walked inside the classroom with a paper. You guessed this boy is a newbie. Mrs. Evila took the paper from his hand and gave him a weird look. Like an evil look. She let him introduce himself to the class. He stepped in front of the class. You heard the annoying popular girl, Grace (sorry if it's your name), whispered with her fellows, Ariella and Scarlett (sorry again if both are yours). They commented about how handsome he is.

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