Chapter IV

204 13 3

(y/n) your name

3rd person P.O.V

You turned your head for the last time, and you saw an harpy behind you! You ran without any directions when the harpy shouted, "Snack!" You weren't a snack! You're a monster appetite! Percy forgot to tell you one rule again. Campers forbidden to go out from their cabin at sleeping time. Or maybe, you hoped Percy told you about the night patrol!

You saw a cabin. You know it isn't the Hermes Cabin. But, you're in rush! You don't care what cabin it is. You knocked(read:banged)the door. You shouted, 'please, open the door!' many times. You heard a growl. But, then the door wasn't open. You dicide to go to the other cabin. But, before you could do that, someone opened the door. The person yawned and before he couldn't speak something, you stormed inside his cabin and closed the door.

You looked at his cabin. It was very dark and you almost couldn't saw anything. "Who are you? And what are you doing here?" He speaked in a harsh tone. "Sorry, I'm (y/n), the new camper. My 'tour guide' forgot to tell me about the night patrol." You answered. You were standing in front of the door. And the boy go back to his bed.

"Do I care?" He asked again, seemed annoyed with your arrival.

"You don't have to. I just want your help."

"I don't help peoples. Just go away. Shoo!" He command you to go.

"Please. The harpy is trying to chase me. Let me--"

"Stay in here until it gone? No. I don't receive guest. It's your fault to go out from your cabin in the midnight. And aren't you sleepy to go stroll around the camp at midnight? Don't you have the other cabin to be visited?"

"Look, I won't bother your sleep. I don't want to, actually. I will just sit here and quiet. And I'm in rush, I saw your cabin, so I picked your cabin for hiding."

He growled again and then muttered, "Whatever. Just go after this and never come back to here."

You thought, what kind of half-human he is! He's very rude! And, you just sat in the floor. Your hands in your folded legs and your head on your knees. You wanted to turn back time and hoped this was just an illusion or mist. You hoped you never met this guy.

At 03 .00 a.m. ...

Your eyes started to close. No, I don't want to sleep here! You stratched your eyes and looked at the oy. He was already slept. You wanted to leave. But, you were to afraid. How if the harpy still looking for me? So, you stayed a little bit longer. Oops! My mistake.


You opened your eyes. The sunbeam got inside your eyes. "Mmmhh!" You growled. You yawned and stratched your eyes. Wiped your face and looked around. "What?!" You shouted. You got up and realized if you were fell asleep in the rudest person in your entire life!

He still sleeping. You realized one thing again. You didn't know his name yet. But, even at the morning, the cabin still looked dark, a little. How can he lives with dark? Does darkness makes him feel happy?

The sunlight was clear enough to saw the person.  He has a messy raven hair. He wore black T-Shirt and a black shorts. His face is cute and maybe, could admit if he's a little bit handsome. He sleep like he didn't care about sins or time. Peaceful. You whispered a sweet 'thank you' to him and walked outside.

You go back to Hermes Cabin. The cabin looked very messy at the morning. Kids running everywhere and the cabin was like a broken ship. You took your camp T-Shirt (Piper gave you three or maybe four) and a pair of blue jeans that you brought from your house. You got bathed quickly, because the other also wanted to go bath. You combed your hair and ponytail it (is it even a word?) neatly.

You started to stepped to the cabin's door until Connor stopped you. "Oh! Good morning, Connor!" You greeted him. "Yeah, you too. Where were you've been last night? I didn't saw you here last night."

You froze at his words. How does he knew if I were at outside last midnight?  "Umm..uh, ah! Yeah! That's...I were...I, umm...I'm going to...uh...catch mosquitos. Yeah! Mosquitos were annoying! They bothered my sleep! So, I dicided to catch them." You lied. Did I have told you if you were the badest liar?

"Uh-huh. That's a nonsense job. Tell me where you've been."

"That's true! I speak the truth!"

"Oh yeah?"

"Hey, Connor what's going on?" Travis appeared behind him. You've known this twin at your first day.

"(y/n) weren't here last night. And she said if she was catching mosquitos because mosquitos bothered her sleep. Does it making anysense to you?"

"Catching mosquitos? No. I can tell she was lying."

Your face got red. "See? She was lying."

"I...ughh! Okay! I were go stroll the forest last night. Satisfied?"

Travis and Connor shocked. "What?!" They both yelled.

"Ugh! Don't yell in my ears! Yes, I were there last night. Why?"

"Without any weapon? Without any light?" Connor asked.

"Uh, yeah. Please don't tell anyone."

"That's..that' We won't tell." Travis spoke.

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you very much!" You hugged them one by one. They froze and smiling.

Travis' P.O.V

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you very much!" She hugged us one by one. And then, I felt something different. I was pulled back to my happiest memories. When my mom, me, and Connor celebrated my birthday together. When Connor and I played at the playground when we were 5. I froze and smiling because of that memories. What feeling is this?

She let me go. I saw Connor was smiling too. Maybe he felt the same. "Gotta go now. See ya guys!" And she left. I faced Connor and he did the same.

"Bruh, what was that?" Connor asked first.

"I want to ask that too."

"My happiest memories filled me!"

"Me too! That's amazing! It felt so real!"

And we started our day with joy, because of her.

To be continue...


Who's the boy? And what kind of goddess are you? Find it out on the next chapter! Remember to vote (^_^) and comment (>_<). C' ya, butter-cakes!

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