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"Don't be a bitch, you know the consequences." Alex sneers. "Do you understand?" he says to me as if I'm a child.

"I was nine, nine years ago. I know how to act." I cover my mouth and quickly mutter an apology, not wanting to get hit. Though instead, Alex rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

"Go on now." he insists, and I still don't move. So instead, he shoves me towards Jason. Jason catches me by grabbing both of my wrists before I can topple over him. Alex walks up to Jason and pushes me out of the way.

"We good now man?" he asks.

"Yeah, of course, it was all misinterpreted." Jason smiles at Alex, and though it seems convincing, I know it's fake.

"Good. Okay, I have things to take care of, I'll be back soon." Alex says, half way out the door. Before he shuts the door, his eyes graze mine and he gives me a small smile, and then he is gone.

Silence lingers in the air, and it's not awkward. I am aware of what may happen, but I do not care. I've been in this situation plenty of times, and somehow I've adjusted to it. Am I happy about it? No. But then again, I'm with Jason and his friends aren't around. Jason is usually a lot more benevolent when he isn't pressured by a group of delinquents; granted, I haven't seen him for a long while.

"What happened there?" Jason asks. I look down to where he is pointing, and it's the large marking on my arm.

"One of the men at the truck stops got a little too into it," I explain. It was last week when the marking formed. We were at a truck stop in Tennessee, right off of i-75. It was the eighth man Alex forced me to sell my body too. The man's name was Tim, he had green eyes and a large gap between his two front teeth. His hair was ginger and he had an olive complexion.

I remember him stating that he enjoyed being dominant, and I learned that quickly when he was holding me down.

"I'm surprised Alex didn't put Vaseline on that, you know, to prevent the bruising." Jason shrugs and runs his hands through his hair. I yawn and shake my head.

"Alright, let's get going." his voice sounds on edge and shakier than it was a second ago.

"Wait, what?"

"I thought Alex told you that you needed to work a double." Jason's eyes trail to the floor. "You know, Caroline got pregnant, she has to get an abortion, so you need to work her part," he says awkwardly.

Alex did this when it was necessary. Often times, girls would get pregnant and then he would force them into an abortion. When this happened, another girl would have to work her shift, while she receives the abortion and gets a day of rest.

"No, he didn't. But I guess it works. So I need to earn how much?" I ask.

"It's Thursday and according to Alex's schedule, you usually make about seven-hundred. Since you're working Carolina's shift and she makes a good eight-hundred fifty on Thursdays. You need to make about fifteen-hundred."

"That's about thirty men, considering they only pay fifty dollars." I sigh and running my hand through my greasy, tangled hair. Jason looks at me with a sympathetic smile, and I give him one back.

"Can I take a shower before I go?"

"Yeah, your hair is greasy. You need to wash it. I have some of Bella's old stuff in the closet. You can just use those." Alex says sadly. I could feel my body tense. The mention of Bella around Alex made everyone uncomfortable. There's so much history between the two. "You know where the towels are. Just go into the guest bedroom when you get out. Clothes will be there."

After ten minutes of searching for towels, I made it towards the bathroom. Turning on the shower to the hottest setting, I began to remove my tramp outfit.

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