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"Stop fucking struggling!" Alex spat, throwing me down on the bed. His hand collides harshly with my freckled cheeks. My brain is throbbing as his slapping ups to punching. Blood fills my mouth from the busted gums Alex had inflicted.

His hands find their way down my neck, squeezing harshly; not as hard to make me choke, but enough to make it a struggle for air causing me to cough.

I felt one of his knees press to my lower thigh, making me grunt out in pain. He smirks and kisses my forehead before he transfers more weight into his knee. I open my mouth to scream out, but I am immediately slapped, sending my head to the side. My opposite cheek rubbing against the mattress.

His knee leaves my throbbing thigh and he places them on each side of me, straddling me.

Alex laughs before taking the hem of my tank top and peeling my shirt off my body. He takes the pads of his fingers and nails, pressing them into my cleavage. His nails leaving crescent moon imprints on my chest.

I let out a screech and Alex stands up, hooking his fingers into my thong, under my short skirt I was forced to wear.

He tugs my underwear down and grabs a pillow from the bed, and puts it over my face before fully shoving himself in me.

Though my hands were trembling and my heart was pounding harshly against my rib cage, my body felt numb. I didn't feel attached to myself, and it was like being abused all over again. When you can't find the energy to fight because you're in a state of shock.

"Rem," Luke shakes me by my shoulders, snapping me out of my thoughts. "We're here," he says. I look out the window to see that we were parked directly outside of the police station.

Archie's car was here, along with Mom and Dad's. I hesitate to take off my seat belt, slowly clicking the red button and letting the belt retrieve back.

My chest falls up and down unevenly, as the tears form in my eyes, my vision becomes hazy. I can hear Luke, but I'm not listening. Everything coming out of his mouth sounds foreign. The blood in my veins begin to boil and I ball my fist, pounding them against the dashboard.

I could not feel the pain as my fist repeatedly hit the car. The only thing engulfing my emotions was the rage. Luke's voice was drowned out by the noise of the impact of my balled up hands and the car.

My actions cease when Luke slams his arm across my chest and pushes me back against my seat. His face is bright red and much like him, I am panting. Grasping for air as the adrenaline slows and my hands begin to throb.

"I'm sorry." I choke out before fully breaking down. My bloody hands reach towards my face and I sob. Luke's arm extends out, wrapping around my shoulders and pulling me closer to his side.

Incomprehensible noises escape from between my lips as I sob hysterically into Luke's sleeve. He doesn't say anything, he just lets my cries and The Fray fills in the silence.

Luke shifts in his seat, pulling my head into his hands and planting a kiss onto my lips. My breathing starts to become study as his lips move against mine. I feel tears on my face that weren't my own as Luke's hand's cup around my neck.

Finally, we pull away from each other and I see that Luke's eyes are blood shot. He presses a kiss on my forehead and sighs.

"I can't make this better for you, and I'm sorry." there's something in his voice that catches me off guard but I choose to ignore it. "We've gotta go."

After walking into the situation, I am engulfed into many hugs by my family. After the hugs, detective Pacheco leads me to the interrogation room only for me to I see Larissa sitting down with a coffee cup in front of her and a blanket dangling off her shoulders.

"Do you want to see her? I know you've been crying." Detective Pacheco asks. The world felt like it was ripping itself from under my feet and I had no idea what was going on.

"Yes," I tell him, whilst nodding my head. 

"Are you sure?" he asks once more, before I give him a reassuring smile, I look back up through the window (which is also a one-sided mirror). She wore a long sleeve blue sweater and some loose sweatpants.

Half her face is red with raw flesh. Her blonde hair is cut to her jawline and her green eyes seemed duller than before.

I could not begin to imagine the amount of torture Larissa and Georgia must have endured while Alex was escaping. I nod my head at him and he pulls down on the doorknob and opens the door for me.

"Remy.." she breaths out, the blanket falls from her shoulders as she stands and walks over, embracing me into a hug. Her body seems malnourished and my heart breaks as my hand rubs her back, occasionally running over her spine.

She grabs my shoulders and pulls me back to examine my face, before smiling and pulling me back into her embrace.

I hear her sniffle and I try to be delicate with my touch. Larissa is still severely burned and was transferred from the burn unit in Arizona, and would be going to University of Kentucky's hospital, so we could continue the case.

After a long embrace, we go back to the table and sit down. The tension between us is obvious. I wondered if she blamed me for what happened, and I prayed she didn't.

"Alex is a coward." she breaks the silence. I look up into her dull eyes and nod my head in agreement. "You know how they found him, right?" I shake my head.

"The coward tried to kill himself. Apparently, he snorted meth, instead of coke. And we both know that that asshole knows the difference." her voice is full of hatred and venom, but she's right. Alex knew the drugs and their distinct difference like the back of his hand.

"Are the other girls talking? The ones found in Colorado?" she asks me, and I quickly shake my head.

"They won't even call him Alex, they're all fucking hooked too. He got a fourteen-year-old on heroine."

wowow okay this really sucks. but like i hope you all know that im trying really hard to do well with this story. this topic is excruciatingly hard to tackle and im doing my best. i wanna give a couple of shout outs real quick to some rad authors (dani-m calsigh and lilpupmadi )

Also due to Chester, from Linkin Park, his suicide, below is a link to a list of suicide hotlines. If you are struggling I hope you all know that you are worth something, and you should consider staying here. We love you and I love you

-shannon xx

suicide hotline for all countries: http://ibpf.org/resource/list-international-suicide-hotlines

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