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*triggering sexual content*

"Don't fucking move." the gun was pressed under my chin. I bit down on my tongue, hard. I could the blood dripping down the back of my throat. But it would keep me from screaming, and doing so might cost me my life.

The man tugged down the thong I was forced to wear and gripped my left thigh. I wanted to move, I wanted to shove him off. My hands weren't tied, but they felt like they were. My body felt paralyzed. He slid his tongue up my slit and I began to squirm. I felt two fingers slip inside of me and pump. My brain was pounding against my skull and I squeezed my eyes shut, wish this would end.

He, then, came back up and looked into my eyes. I could not read his plans, or anything of the sort until a sinister smile spread across his face and he pressed the gun against my temple. My heart nearly leaped out of my chest, the blood in my veins felt like they had run cold.

I closed my eyes and reopened them. It wasn't just a man, anymore. It was Alex.

"Should have been smart, pretty girl." I began to scream, and he started counting down from three.


My eyes shoot open and I can feel my chest moving up and down rapidly. Beads of sweat are dripping down my chest and neck. I take a moment, before getting up. My eyes feel swollen and stomach has knots and feels like it's stretching itself.

I push the covers off with my legs and force myself up, putting on some shorts and walking out towards the bathroom.

When I arrive, I pull down my shorts and underwear and sit on the toilet. I rub my eyes and look down, and there are spots of blood on my underwear.

Well, thank God I didn't sneeze. I think to myself. I finish my business, and wash my hands and headed towards the utility room.

"What are you doing up?" a voice says from behind me. I usually didn't jump, but this time, I did. I turn around and see Luke. He is wearing gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt.

"I could ask you the same thing." I retort. He holds his hands up as if he were surrendering. I look at him, confusingly, until I realize that my voice was bitter.

"I'm sorry," I say. "I just started my period, and I need some pad or something," I explain. He shifts uncomfortably, side-to-side and itches the back of his neck.

He has really nice biceps. I smile to myself and shake my head.

"Your mom had a hysterectomy not too long ago, so there aren't any here." his cheeks are red, and I find it funny that he finds period-talk uncomfortable.

"Oh." is all I say. I begin to turn around and start to walk away until Luke speaks up.

"I can take you to the store, real quick." he offers. I smile at him and begin to shake my head.

"That's sweet, but I don't have any money and I'm not going to wake up mom and dad." he chuckles and looks down.

"I have some extra cash. Besides, I think my girlfriend is about to be due soon. And she never keeps track of her periods, so this is kind of perfect." I shrug my shoulders and agree to go with him.

"I'll wait for you in the car," he says and heads out the door. I go back to my room and grab my yellow ASU hoodie off the hook, putting it on and slipping on a pair of five dollar house slippers.

When I walk outside, the January air hits my naked legs and I feel goosebumps rise up to my skin. Making my way to Luke's car, I open the door and am welcomed with heat.

Five minutes into the car ride and I decided to start a conversation.

"So you have a girlfriend?" I ask. He nods and turns up the radio, and Marianas Trench, Fallout, begins to play.

"Yeah, her name is Arzaylea." when the words tumble from his lips, a small smile spreads across his face. He looks happy and peers down the road.

I wish I could bring someone that kind of happiness.

We pull up to the Kroger and we stay in there for awhile. Mainly Luke talking about his girlfriend and asking me what girls like to eat when they're on their periods.

I couldn't really answer him. If we were on our periods, Alex would typically make us feel ashamed for it. When I first got mine, I was in the middle of doing stuff with a man. I was thirteen. Afterward, the man told Alex what happened and I got hit. Of course, I didn't tell Luke all that.

When we get into the car, Luke begins to ask me questions about everything.

"Why won't you tell the detectives anything?" I scrunch my nose, taken back by his question.

"Why is that any of your business?" I retort. He deeply sighs and bites his lip.

"It's not, I'm just curious. I'm sorry." he talks quietly.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped like that." If only I realized that he'd use that as the gateway back to the conversation.

"So..?" he trails off, hinting that he still wants an explanation. I could feel myself starting to get agitated.  I breathe out and ball my fist. My nails imprinting into my palms.

"Can you drop it!" I shout this time. He doesn't seem phased and just continues to drive and speak calmly.

"No, no I can't."



"Because why?" he pulls into the driveway and doesn't answer. I snatch the bag of feminine products into my hand and get out of the car, slamming the door behind me. Heading towards the house.

hope y'all are enjoying the story so far.


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