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"You smell terrible," I say to Archie, shoving his off me. He had just arrived back from soccer practice. His soccer jersey is drenched in sweat and he had felt the need to share that by engulfing me in a hug when he walked through the door.

"I know." he takes his shirt off and throws it at me. I scrunch my nose in disgust and throw it back at him. He chuckles and walks off to the kitchen, leaving me to the living room by myself. I sit down and I turn my attention back on the television, letting out a deep sigh.

I don't precisely know what I am watching, I just know that my attention has been constantly on Luke whether he was present or not. I would replay the kiss in my head every day and go over if I had ever encountered that spark anywhere else. But I could not match it.

The small peck made my world stop and thoughts cease, though it only took a second, I wanted it to last an eternity.

Luke hadn't talked to me in awhile, but he also hasn't been home. I am unsure of where he had disappeared to, but Archie said he was visiting family. Luke did bid me a goodbye before he had left, he gave me a kiss on the forehead and told me to be careful. I thought he was going to work or going out with friends, but at this point, he has been gone for nearly four days.

Sometimes I'd find myself paranoid, thinking that Alex would maybe get a hold of Luke. But part of me knew that Alex was smart. If he fled Mexico, he certainly would be somewhere people would least expect it.

An idea pops into my head and I pull out my phone. I see that there is a message from someone, but I ignore it and scroll through my contacts, pressing Detective Pacheco's number. There are two rings and his voice comes over the phone.

"Hello Remington." his voice withholds bits of shock in it and I smile.

"Are you out-" before I finish my sentence, I remind myself that they've decided to do night shifts, and have the officer across the street keep an eye out for anything sketchy. "Actually can you come pick me up and go to the station?" 

"Yeah, I'm on my way and I'm getting lunch. Do you want anything?" if there was one useful thing that ever came out of running away, it was, if you are offered something out of generosity, take it because you'll never know if you'll get the chance again.

"Yeah, can you get me a sweet tea?" I ask him. I can hear him chuckle on the phone.

"Yes. I'll see you in ten minutes." I hang up the phone and throw the blanket off my lap, putting my phone on the table. I shut off the television and make my way towards my parent's room, to let my mom know I was leaving.

My father has finally returned to work, leaving Archie, my mom, Emery and me home for the day.

Entering their bedroom, I see my mom is curled up next to Emery,  both engulfed in her blankets, obviously asleep. My mind wanders over the sleepless nights she must have encountered in the five years I was gone. I decide to not wake her up and just text her where I would I be later on.

I go to my room and put on a pair of old, black Walmart flip flops. I pace towards my narrow body mirror and evaluate my appearance.

I feel both bloated and annoyed with it. With the stress of hospital visits, the investigation and Georgia's death my cheeks have broken out in acne. I also blame that fact that I'm not wearing fifty pounds of makeup a day. And though my hair is in two braids, I'm wearing sweat pants and a plain white tee shirt, I can't help but feel like that same girl looking at herself in the motel bathroom.

Though the injuries have faded, I can still see the bright purple marks that once lined my arms and neck. I can feel the hands that have pried my thighs apart. I raise my hand and touch the circular scar on my temple and I can feel my eyes begin to water.

I bite down on my tongue and rapidly blink, trying to avoid crying. I shake myself from my thoughts and turn away from the mirror. I grab my black hoodie and head back towards the living room.

I slip on the jacket and put my phone in my pocket, beginning to head out towards the front door. As I grab the door knob, it twists and pushes open, causing me to jump back.

A blond quiff meets my vision and I can't help but smile when I meet those piercing blue eyes. I study his position and see that he's carrying a black duffel bag in his left hand. He is wearing black gym shorts and a less feminine version of my tee shirt.

"Hey, stranger," Luke says to me, a smile playing at his lips. He sets down his bag and gives me a tight hug. He smells of axe body spray and cigarettes. I know Luke doesn't smoke which means his family probably does.

"Welcome back," I reply, pressing my ear against his chest and listening to his heart. We finally release each other and we both chuckle.

"Where are you going?" he asks me.

"I'm going to the station. Detective Pacheco is picking me up. I have an idea." I admit to him. He looks happier as soon as the words tumble out of my mouth. Ever since my encounter with the female detective, I have found myself being able to open up a little bit more.

"What is it?" he asks, but as soon as he does. I see Detective Pacheco's car from the open door, that Luke obviously forgot to close.

"I'll tell you later, okay? I've gotta go." I rush and stand on the tips of my toes, my intention being to kiss his cheek, but he moves and I peck his lips.

"Now that's a nice way to be greeted. See you later, babe."

im doing another update so don't kill me. all the love

-shannon xx

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