Ch. 4: Red Pride

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Ch. 4

Dear Liam,

The bullying got worse during year seven. I don't know why, maybe it was about my race or my size, but it started getting physical. Ever since grade two I was always the odd one out, but I thought that was because nobody knew what to say to me because I was so shy. The first time it happened was after detention. I was only there because I walked into maths late that day. You were in choir practice or something. I remember waiting around in detention, thinking how boring it was without you there. Back then when there weren't many kids at our school, all our classes were together. Anyway, detention that day was with our favorite teacher, Mr. Chance. He seemed to be the only teacher who cared back then, except for Zoe, but I hadn't seen her since primary school. Everyone else put up with me because I was always with you; he was different, I think he actually liked me. I guess it's a good thing he was the one to find me bloody on the ground.

The bell for detention finally rung, snapping my attention away from my notebook and to the classroom door. Me and some girl filed out of the classroom and began walking separate paths. I began rehearsing what I was going to tell my mum when she picked me up from school today; she was always really disappointed when I got in trouble, I guess I couldn't blame her. She only wanted the best for me. As I turned a corner, I bumped into Steven and Jacob, the "popular" kids at school from the footie team.

"For f-s sake man! Would you watch where you're going?" Steven yelled, getting in my face.

"Just-umm," I said, trying to walk around him

"Just-umm, what?" Steven said, joining his friend beside him and blocking my path. "Spit it out small fry."

"I don't have time for this," I said, matching his gaze for only a second before getting intimidated and turning away.

"Oh!" Jacob howled like he was amused. "Do we have a tough guy here?"

I tried to take a step backward, but the boys just took that step back towards me.

"I have to go," I said, trying to muster up the last bit of courage I had and turning around. Before I could take a step, Steven grabbed my arm and spun me around. Suddenly a fist connected with my face, my glasses flew from my face like they were scared to get punched again. Wetness trickled down my face until I started tasting blood. I groaned in pain as another fist flew at my stomach, knocking the air out of me. I gasped, the only thing holding me up was Steven's bone crushing grip on my arm. He let go and I sprawled to the ground before a foot came and struck my ribs.

We heard the sound of a door opening around the hallway and a man and woman's voices. I saw Steven and Jacob look at each other through my not swollen eye and run down the opposite hallway. I tried to stand up but ended up doing it too fast. My head felt fuzzy and my body ached all over. Just then, Mr. Chance strode around the corner.

"Hello Zayn. Oh my Lord, what happened to you?"

"Fell down some stairs," I mumbled, a terrible liar.

"Do you want to tell me who did it?"


"Okay then."

He narrowed his eyes at me, knowing I wasn't telling the truth. The staircases were at opposite ends of campus while we were in the middle of the two. He shook his head, offering to walked me to my car where my mum was impatiently waiting-that was- until she saw the state of me.

"Zayn!" She cried, flying out of the car and running towards us. I rolled my eyes, she could be so dramatic sometimes. "Zayn, oh my god... Who did this to you," She said, cupping my face and brushing my too long hair behind my ear.

"Mum, stop. I'm fine," I said, my twelve year old ego mortified over the act of my mum caring about me.

"It seems Zayn was attacked, they came up behind him, he didn't see who did it."

"Other kids did this to him?" Trisha asked, heartbroken. I looked at Mr. Chance over my shoulder; he winked. I tried not to smile.

"I'm afraid so," Mr. Chance said, handing me another cloth for my still bleeding nose.

"Well, thank you for looking after him," Trisha said, pulling me towards the car.

"Of course, have a nice weekend."

"Likewise," Trisha said, hurrying me to the car. Once we got to the other side of the car where Mr. Chance couldn't see me, she threw her arms around me and started crying. I tried not to wince, but I think she noticed and let go. "Come on, let's go home."


The entire ride home she was pestering me about what happened and who did it. No one ever liked a tell tale and I knew she would embarrass me, so I didn't give any names. I don't know why I had so much pride back then, but... oh well.

"Mum, I want to know how to fight."

"Zayn, I don't know-"

"Come on, mum. They're from the footie team, the best players we have and a huge match is coming up. No matter what I say they are not going to be suspended. I need to know how to defend myself."

"Wait, so you know who did this to you and you didn't say anything?" Mum asked, shocked as to why.

"Mum I just told you. They're going to get a slap on the wrist, so what is the point. I don't want to make this any worse for myself."

"Why did they hurt you?" Waliyha asked in her innocent, four-year-old voice.

I ignored her question, and looked out the window, waiting for my mum's answer.

"You can start training with Marshall, if you want," Mum said with a huff.

"Who's Marshall?"

"You haven't seen him since you were Waliyha's age, but he's a friend of mine from college. He's a boxing trainer. I can call him for you, he won't charge."

"You would do that?" I said, trying to smile but then stopping because it hurt my busted lip.

"Just be careful," She insisted, looking at me with worried eyes as we came to a stop light.

"I will, okay..."

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