Ch. 13: Fight

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Dear Liam,

Thanks for coming out and seeing me compete. I saw your face in the stands towards the end of the match, and I knew that all you wanted to do was leave. But you didn't. So thank you for that.

Zayn didn't know what to expect when he told his mom that Marshall was taking him to compete.

"What? Why didn't I get a say in this?"
"Because I knew that you didn't want me to go," He said under his breath.

"So you purposefully disobeyed me."
The two almost forgot that Liam was in the room.

"Um, Mrs. Malik?"

She turned around startled. "Sorry Liam but can we have some privacy?"
"I know Z should have told you. But he's really good."

She smiled a shaky smile at him before glaring at Zayn and walking out of the kitchen. Zayn leaned against the counter and shook his head.

"Thanks for the confidence man."

"No, problem. When is it?"

"A month," Zayn stated, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.

"I want to go with you," Liam said, surprising himself.

Zayn smiled and nodded.

The two spent the rest of their Saturday watching Rocky movies. They were part way through the first one when Rocky and Adrian were on their first date. Zayn looked away when they started kissing, he could never watch that part because he felt it was too private. That moment belonged to Rocky and Adrian, so instead he looked at Liam. He was leaned back in his chair, hair slightly longer than usual and shoes discarded on the floor. Zayn saw him yawn before tinting his head back and closing his eyes. Following his lead I kicked my feet up and closed my eyes.

Tomorrow was the day.

The day of the competition Zayn, Liam, and the Maliks all drove to London together. The closer they got to the city the more and more tension filled the car. Conversation died and music played softer, nobody wanted to see Zayn get hurt, but they all wanted to see him compete.

Finally after hours of driving they arrived at the competition. After another few hours of checking in and warming up with Marshall, the games were to begin.

First was the medium-weight competition. Because of Zayn's thin-stature, the guy he was against was still bigger than him. Liam felt a lump in his throat and a desire to pull Zayn from the ring, but Liam knew Zayn would never let that happen.

Just like that the games began. Zayn was faster than his competitor, but not fast enough to duck against all of the blows. By the time Zayn finally got a good hit in, his eye was swelling. Zayn lunged forward and punched the guy in the nose, and then the stomach. Just when his opponent was going to hit back, the round ended and a referee lunged between the two.

Liam was having an even harder time than he thought to watch the match. When it's Rocky on TV you know it's fake and Sylvester Stallone and his opponent aren't actually hitting each other. But this wasn't a movie. Even when Liam tried to close his eyes or look away the crowd wouldn't stop screaming and the announcers made it so you couldn't help but visualize exactly what was going on even if you didn't want to. The match was pretty even until the last round. Zayn had some sort of second wind, and his opponent was knocked out. Easy victory.

After a couple more matches like this over the weekend, Zayn came out on top. Winning two out of three rounds and earning one thousand pounds in prize money. He was beaten and bruised by the time that the family climbed into the Malik's van and went home.

It wasn't until the Malik's were all asleep in the back that Liam turned to Zayn in the front seat, fingering his first place medal.

"If you're thinking about doing another competition, I will kill you."

Zayn smiled, still handsome despite the bruised face and busted lip.

"Nah man, I'm good now."

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