Ch. 7: Danielle from Wall to Wall

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Dear Liam,

Once you and Dani were officially a couple at the beginning sixth form. You were young and in love at the awful age of seventeen. Because of it we didn't see each other that often. Dani was your first serious girlfriend and you two were so crazy for each other that I wished your relationship the best. Because all i really want is for you to be happy, what happens to me doesn't matter... And that could only mean one thing, but I'm terrified to say what it is. Because if I let you actually know one tiny bit of how much you mean to me, then I might as well throw myself off a bridge. Because a quick death wouldn't be as painful as watching you kiss her in the halls. And I couldn't tell you about how much it kills me to see you too like that because you'll feel so horrible that you'll never want to talk to me again. And I don't want that to happen.

Because you and Dani spent so much time together on the weekends... and the weekdays... I had more time to train with Marshall. And that was all I did. So when Connor shoved me in the middle of the school hallway in between classes I did what I now know I could.

I remember how disappointed you were in me when I hit him, and for that I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I disappointed you, it was never my intention. But I could feel myself losing you to Dani. It broke my heart to accept it, but I couldn't count on you anymore. So I did what had to be done. I broke his nose like he broke mine the year before.

After chemistry class I trudged through the halls to my locker. Staying up late was not the best idea I've ever had, but Safaa was sick so I had to take care of her. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Liam and Danielle leaning against some lockers. She said something funny and he laughed and stepped closer to lean his forehead on hers. She kissed his nose and he put his hand on her cheek. I couldn't watch anymore, so I began to fiddle with my lock, hardly noticing the person leaning against the locker until I closed mine. It was Connor.

"Hey, Zaynie. You look kind of serious... You okay?" He inquired with mock concern.

"Don't bother me today, okay?" I said, opening my locker to get a book I forgot.

"Ooh, tough guy now?" People had now began to look at us. All except Liam and Dani. I got my notebook and nodded and slammed the locker. That got their attention. As I began to walk away, jaw clenched. Connor grabbed my shoulder, and I punched him as hard as I could in the nose. He spun around like a dancer before landing cold on the floor. I heard a girl scream but I didn't care. Because I saw the look in Liam's eyes, like he had no idea who I was. He gave me the strangest look before walking over to where Connor was passed out, bleeding, picked him up and carried him to the nurse.

Our headmaster came around the corner and I think he was surprised that it was me. I knew I was in trouble and I didn't care. Because no one was ever gonna bother me again.

He looked at the blood on my knuckles and motioned for me to follow him. So without looking back at Liam or a shocked Dani, I followed Headmaster Lupin to his office. I had come to Lupin's office a few times after being beaten up, and he had suspended Connor as long as he could, but his parents were too influential to the school to completely expel. But I liked Lupin, he was a fair man and he saw my struggles. When we arrived to his office he offered me a mint from the bowl on the corner of his desk.

"No, but thank you. Am I in a lot of trouble?"

He rested his elbows on his desk and folded his hands, resting them on his chin.

"Indeed," He nodded cautiously. "I know you're a good kid."

"I'm sorry Headmaster, but I had to. He-"

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