Ch. 15: La Fin

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Dear Liam,

I can't find the rest of the letters I wrote you. And you won't answer any of my calls and texts. I'm not an idiot. And I shouldn't have kissed you. I understand you'll probably never want to speak to me again, and I'm sorry. But I won't give up trying until you at least say you hate me to my face. I need to see you.

Liam never told his mom that he was sick, he just laid in bed and didn't do anything for a couple days. Karen was so concerned and wanted to be beside him constantly, but Liam just told her he was feeling weak and he wanted to rest.

Finally when Liam hadn't eaten in a day and his growling stomach was too much to bear, he forced himself downstairs, realizing he hasn't had anything to drink in a day.

"He's not feeling well," Karen's voice floated from the front of the house.

Liam heard another faint voice and crept closer. It was Zayn.

"Well maybe I can come by later, or tomorrow or something?"

"I'll let you know when he's feeling better, but it's best not to rush it," Karen said gently but firmly.

Finally giving up, Zayn just muttered, "Thank you, I'm sorry to intrude."

"You're never intruding here, Zayn. Have a lovely day," The door clicked shut and he was gone.

Liam let out a breath he hadn't been holding. Reading Zayn's letters was the most confusing thing he could have possibly read. Zayn was in love with him, had been for a long time. Danielle broke up with him all those months ago because she thought they were soulmates or something.

And Zayn never told him.

All of a sudden, steam felt like it could pour out of his ears and his face was getting hot. There was no way he could talk to Zayn, but he did know one person who he could talk to.

Danielle was at work at the pet shop when he phone started buzzing in her back pocket. Too tired to look at caller ID she answered it, preferring to tell by the person's voice who was calling than their name on her screen. Besides, now was her lunch break anyway.

"Hello," Danielle chirped happily into the phone.

"You lied to me."

"Liam?" Danielle said startled, she hadn't talked to him since the break-up. "Lied about what?"
"About Zayn, he's in love with me or something," Liam spat. "And you didn't tell me that's why you ended things."

"Liam, I'm sorry. But I think the two of you are special, and it looked like secretly you liked him, too."
"I'm not gay!" Liam yelled so loud that Danielle had to take her phone away from her ear.

"You don't even have to be gay to date other guys nowadays! You could just like him as a person! It's a new world, Liam."

"I loved you. And you couldn't even be honest with me."
"Zayn's business wasn't mine to tell. And I do mean what I said before about you two being special."


"You care about him more than anybody else in the world. Am I wrong?"

"No, but-"

"You can't deny you have chemistry in every definition of the word. I mean, it's no wonder you haven't snogged each other at least once at this point."

Liam pretended he didn't hear that.

"You know, I'm done with this. It was a mistake to even call you anyway."
"Fine, don't talk to me. But talk to Zayn, you both need the closure," Danielle's supervisor stepped into the room and pointed at her watch insistently. "I have to go, remember what I said. Bye."

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