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Step by step, he followed the scents. Every movement was planned. Every slight sense, every change in the air, was expected.

Up ahead, he noticed the edge of the ravine. The tree line ended, and a few tree lengths away, a rocky edge was apparent. Unaware of the depth, he noted to keep his distance. The hunter prowled forward, stalking the hare he followed out of the forest. Now, the prey was sniffing amongst the rocks, inching out toward the ravine.

The sun was setting, and its bright rays masked the his thick, red pelt as he inched toward the hare. Completely unaware, he slinked forward.

He took a single breath, before he surged forward. As soon as he took off, the hare jumped up in shock. With all of his strength, he heaved his weight forward and propelled himself toward the hare. His claws reached out and dug themselves into the pelt of the hare, and as they fell toward the ground as one, his claws sank deeper.

Falling as one, his jaws formed around the hare's fragile neck. Clamping down, his fangs sank into the soft flesh of the hare. As they both struggled, he reached the edge of the ravine and faced the edge below. It seemed deeper than it really was, but he took no chances. He fell back, with the limp hare still locked in his jaws.

On his back, he gazed up at the evening sky, covered with an array of reds and violets. Laying there, the sight was so mesmerizing, he did not move. The hare splayed against his belly, still have off heartbeats before petering into silence. His eyes stayed focused on the sky until a sudden figure blocked his view.

"The assessment did not include gazing at the evening sky," Horsetail reminded the apprentice with a scoff. Redpaw popped up, hare still clamped in his jaws. Alarmed at his mentor's sudden presence. Redpaw set the prey at Horsetail's feet with a chuckle.

"I thought I lost you back there," Redpaw chuckled.

"No! I was just...enjoying the forest," Horsetail said hurriedly, and glanced away. "It has been awhile."

"We've been migrating through forests for moons..."

"Hush. Carry the prey and follow me."
Redpaw frowned, but picked up the hare, and followed Horsetail, who walked along the ravine until they reached a path that led down into the ravine. Down the path, Redpaw could smell many old, and new scents. Rotten prey, dogs, foxes, badgers...and most surprising. Cats.

"Horsetail," he tried to call out, but the hair mumbled his words resulting in a muffled mess. Horsetail flicked his tail to silence him.

Passing small openings and caves in the ravine, he could see the remanence of many things. Stray sticks and miss were littered across the rocks. Bones and decaying prey were stuff in some of the crevices of the rocks. Mass shadows were cast across the ravine, as the sun set, making it harder to examine the area.

Horsetail lead him toward the center, nearby a huge rock pile. He sniffed the opening of a den before leading Redpaw inside. He laid down on the stone floor before resting his head upon his paws. After resting for a few moments, he raised his head.

"Can we eat now?"

"As I share something with you..."

"What? Is something wrong?"

"Nothing, Redpaw," he sighed. "You have passed your assessment. But there is something you must know before you shall receive your warrior name."

"I am ready," Redpaw declared.

"You must promise. After this night, never ask me of these events again. You can never share this with Raspypaw, or any other cat," he quickly explained with a strict and heavy tone. The way he spoke burdened Redpaw and engrained the promise in his mind. Horsetail had never spoken to him in this way, except when discussing the fall-out of the Clans.

"I promise."

"This was once the camp of SkyClan,"

"Your Clan?"

"Let me speak!" Horsetail snapped. He took another breath before continuing. "Yes."

"Where did it go?"

"It's not where, but how. SkyClan has had a troubled history. Legends, stories, Elder's accounts and LightClan tell us this. However, there has never been more a tale of corruption than in the last twenty-four moons of SkyClan. But I will tell you the fraction of this. I will tell you the reason evil embedded itself in this Clan, and has poisoned the future of countless destinies," Horsetail declared. A fury was ablaze within in chest, and Redpaw could sense it. "As many conflicts, this one began with a single rogue, her name was Colette."

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